Hey guys, I have been reading around about Minecraft Xbox edition and found this.
This is about the skins on Minecraft Xbox edition.
Each DLC Skin Pack will contain 40+ skins to choose from, from video game characters to regular skins like kings and wizards. Each Skin Pack will cost 160 Microsoft Points.[3] A release date is unknown but it will be released around the time of the 1.7.3 update.
Creeper Man - Minecraft
Squid Man - Minecraft
Splosion Man - 'Splosion Man
Ms. Splosion - Ms. Splosion Man
Splosion Man Scientist Danklef - 'Splosion Man
Trials Man - Trials HD
Old-School Trials Evolution - Trials Evolution
Master Chief - Halo: Combat Evolved
Covenant Grunt - Halo: Combat Evolved
Banjo - Banjo-Kazooie
Jack of Blades - Fable
Clayton Carmine - Gears of War 3
Wizard - Original Design
Prisoner - Original Design
King - Original Design
No information has been given about further Skin Packs, however, 4J Studios has tweeted that they have finished two Skin Packs including Skin Pack 1 and 2 and are working on 3 more.[4]