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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Hello and Welcome to the Forums! :D

  2. Of when their messing with the servers? Well, when Bungie was switching everything over to 343i, it lasted several days. And Matchmaking was nearly impossible. But they shouldnt be doing anything with the servers anymore. As for your missions disappearing, thats rather common on Reach. Trust me, I know. New Alexandria is not completed on my campaign, even though I have already done the entire campaign several times. But like Bnus said, if your playing in offline mode, and then go and play online mode, it will reset your campaign. I have even heard of similar problems on Skyrim. Where people would play Skyrim with no connection to the internet, only to connect, and find all their achievements wiped clean. So there is nothing wrong with your disc, nothing wrong with your Xbox, and there should be nothing wrong with your HDD. Its just an annoying glitch in the game.
  3. Yeah, its very common for that glitch. As for the armor being reverted, that used to happen every time Bungie or 343i would update the servers during peak hours of playtime. So normally, it will sort itself out. And at the same time, not everyone would be reverted to their default armor. It just happens from time to time.
  4. If you ever wanna see me and Hippie fight over something, throw an Arbys cheddar sandwich between us. lol :)

  5. So Dayquil is doing the opposite effect of what its suppose to be doing. Sure its working on my cold, but the same time, its putting me to sleep. I thought thats what Nyquil was suppose to do?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Bananas make me really sleepy :/

    3. Cooliest


      Ya Dayquil does that to me too. The funny thing is it actually puts me to sleep better than nyquil.

    4. Zelda


      All I know is that I just want to get rid of this cold. :(

  6. I despise being sick. some moments you feel like you have super hearing, and other moments you feel like you've gone deaf. :(

  7. By the way, I like your new back ground. :)

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      thanks, its also my wallpaper for my pc cause i thought it was awesome lol

    2. Zelda


      Too bad you cant fill in the white strip down the right side of the picture though. lol

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i could set the pic to tile so it will fill that part up

  8. I think I may be getting whatever it was Hippie had. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      Hippie taught you well

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Lol, but in all seriousness I really do hope you both get better soon. Now I got three more blizzards in a row to fight, which means I have to shovel at least four more times even though I already shoveled twice today alone... :)

    4. Zelda


      I wish we had a blizzard. Its been a long time since Arizona had a blizzard of its own. lol

  9. Congrats on your MoM title! Welcome to being the first MoM of 2014!
  10. /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)>

  11. /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)>

    1. Akali


      someone's granddad that i know died as well 2014 is starting off great

    2. Sikslik7


      Actually, There is a fire in that area this time of year every year. It's not a very prestigious neighborhood

    3. Zelda


      Thats encouraging...

  12. Anyways, Happy New Years everyone around the globe. Night Night all! /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)>

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Hope this new year goes great for you! I wish you the best, Good night.

  13. Well, there is one thing I do pray for this year. And that its going to be a much better year than last year. Last year was just horrible.

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Agreed, I felt the same way... 2013 had way too many deaths (Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker, Walter White, to name a few) not to mention all the disasters, natural ones and unnatural man-made ones :(... This year will be better! I must believe it will! :)

    2. Zelda


      I was thinking of my dad and grandfather.

  14. Happy New Years. :)

    1.  Twam


      Happy New Years :)

  15. I still have an hour and a half before New Years. lol.

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Lol, see you here in a half hour then!

    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      Alright, now happy new years. :)

    3. Zelda


      Yep. Happy belated New Years. lol

  16. Welcome to the forums! And Happy New Year! :D

  17. Hubby seems to be having fun on my xbox live account while playing zombies on BO2. lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zelda


      And only he can keep up with all of it. lol

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      of course he can, he's me

    4. Zelda


      lmao. He's also sick in bed. So is the monster.

  18. My dog died on Skyrim today. After months of him tagging along, he lost his life from a Forsworn. :'(

    1. ShockGazm


      Huh, didn't know you could have dogs. I accidentally Fus-Ro-Dah'd my companion off a huge cliff before... yeah, he died.


    2. ShockGazm
    3. Zelda


      I had the dog for months. And wasnt expecting him to live very long. But he did. And I never neglected him, I always healed him when he was injured.

  19. Very cold inside the house, not so cold outside of the house. lol

  20. I am glad to see it started again. Fresh with newer members, and also fresh with new rules. I love it more this time around. I seem to have forgotten to say Congrats everyone! Hope to see you make it to the next list!
  21. Merry Christmas! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Ho... Ho ho ho! lmao xD

    3. Akali


      merry christmas zelda

    4. Zelda


      Thank you! Merry Christmas to you as well! :D

  22. Merry Christmas a little early. Since your a few hours ahead than me. :-)

    1.  Twam


      thanks, Merry Christmas :)

  23. Welcome to the forums! And Happy Holidays! :D

  24. Merry Christmas to those oversea's that have Christmas today! :D

    1. Dawn


      Is it Christmas for you too? Do you celebrate it? If so then merry Christmas! :)

    2. Zelda


      Tomorrow is Christmas. And yes I do celebrate it. And Merry Christmas to you as well. :)

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