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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. That was cool. My eyes hurt a bit, but it was a great read! Drizzy, you do a great job at these interviews, and I hope to read thousands more!
  2. Morning Everyone! /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)>

  3. Oh? So we can order food from Spades? Well, in that case, I want a cooked lobster with butter for dipping. lol. J/K. Congratulations! It was very well deserved! :hug:
  4. So my H4's version of the Temple of Time is now up on my file share. I have finally finished it. So if anyone wants to see it, you can now check it out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zelda


      I am not building the Forest Temple. That place is a pain as it is. lol

    3. Fishy


      Kakariko Village!

    4. Zelda


      I have already built it. lol. Its on Reach. But I cannot build one on Halo 4.

  5. See you around. I wish you luck and good fortune for things to come. :hug: Its a disappointment that I didn't get to show you my new map. I think you would have liked it.
  6. /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)> to all....

  7. ​ Congratulations to the both of you. It was well deserved.
  8. This is going to put wives and mothers out of business. lmao http://news.yahoo.com/gadget-watch-electronic-fork-nags-eating-130210404.html

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      Thank goodness I wont be getting one of those


    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      i will for 1 not get 1 as i eat wayyyyy to fast

    3. Spyro


      lol, should I get you the classifides?

  9. Here puppy, puppy, puppy..... lol. :P

  10. Is it just me, or has the Marie Calenders pot pies gotten so small that they are nearly the same size as Banquets? :(

  11. A headache is beginning to form..... :(

    1. Azaxx



      go get some pills and have a lil' lie down for a while

    2. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      They are chronic for you I'm guessing? :(


      Feel better!

    3. Zelda


      No, they are not chronic. I think its just the pile of stress build up. But I am good. :)

  12. I agree entirely. I have seen it happen, and I am sure I am probably guilty of it as well. We all are. And I think it all started around the time of H4's release. Maybe even before then. But on the bright side, I am also seeing it repair itself slowly. People are becoming more friendly finally and not so hostile. Its not a very fast rate that we are finally healing and sinking into the old ways, but it is slowly happening again. And for that, I am thankful. Very thankful. And I promise that I will continue to try my best at helping others. Zelda
  13. Just a kick back and relax day.... :)

    1. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      I've missed you and Hippie!

    2. Azaxx
  14. Congrats on dedicated! And thank you for the shout out! :hug:
  15. I wish you the best of luck and see ya when you return for a visit.
  16. I am so glad I finally got a good nights sleep. :)

  17. These early morning awakenings are gonna kill me.... :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SykoWolf
    3. Zelda
    4. Church


      I hear ya...it's 4am and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep yet. Work is at 8.

  18. I finally got a new furby. And I named it Pikachu. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zelda


      Who's Gunter??? lol

    3. Azaxx


      You better not...

    4. SykoWolf


      OMG!!!!!! YOU GOTS A FURBIE!!! :3

  19. I am back and just want everything to return to normal....

  20. Ugh.... I just wanna go back to bed.....

    1. A71william


      Sleep is for the weak!

    2. Vinyl Scratch
    3. Azaxx


      I think you should, or just lay down and rest.

  21. Yours is so much more deserved than mine. I am so glad that you got to be pink after me. Its a great honor, and with that, I do hope you wear it proud. And through thick and then, may the forums stick with you, good friend. :hug: Zelda
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