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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Congrats on Dedicated! Waiting till you reach the thousands. lol
  2. /uploads/emoticons/default_happy.png" />)>

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      Raorar roar I think it looks like a fish :(

    3. Zelda


      If that's what you want to think Dino, then you can think that. lol.

    4. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      I just have a mind of the innocence :troll:

  3. Midna! She's the the Twilight Princess. Also my counter part.
  4. If you sit and watch the shout box or look around the different threads, eventually will see people saying these things. And after a while of hearing here and other places, it started to drive me nuts. Its just I started to feel like the developers of any games, are loosing any appreciations. I can understand being mad at a company, but to go as far as saying a game is broken or unbalanced, or buggy or glitches, or just something along those lines, is really under appreciated. Every game is gonna have its bug and glitches, and that includes with updates. But whats a game with out bugs and glitches? Where would the fun be in a game with out the occasional bug or glitch? I know there are several of us who have a blast abusing the bugs or glitches. Halo for instance, any playlist that is on Hermorgage (not sure how to spell it, sorry), with revnants, ghosts, and wraiths, you'll be driving them just fine and then out of nowhere you fling yourself across the map, on a occasion, their body's are never seen again. Or maybe the amusing bugs and glitches of the Elder Scrolls games? They too can be a blast. But in many case's, they give us something to laugh at.
  5. Shep, I bought you some chocolate, but then I decided to eat it instead.
  6. Ok, lets just start by saying that I have heard about enough of people saying how broken a game is, or how buggy, glitchy, laggy a game is. Enough is enough. Its time to stop complaining about games and start admiring them. For which I mean is a game is not broken or unbalanced. Ever think that maybe, just maybe the developers want their game the way they made it? Probably not. Because you are not the developers, there for, you dont have room to say a game is broken when you weren't there to decide how it should come to be. Keep that in mind the next time your not happy about a game. If you dont like it, then dont play it. Its that simple. Moving on.... Bugs, glitches, and lag. Let me tell you this, there is not going to be one game in this world that does not have a bug, glitch, or lag in it. You want DLC? Then you better expect more bugs, glitches, and lag in it. The developers works their asses off to bring you the best they can make, least you can do is smile and appreciate it. Still dont like it, then once again, dont play it. Simple. Next... And my finale, I have about had enough people dissing on Bungie. Let me remind you, if Bungie didn't make halo, then you wouldn't be here to day to enjoy every minute of it. Seems to me people like to forget who started Halo. So yes, praise Bungie for all their hard work over the years and thank them for making a game you are still following to this day. Cause if Bungie hadn't made Halo in the first place, then there wouldn't be a 343i to carry it on into the future. Think about it the next time you complain about them. So in simpler terms, if there is no Bungie, then there would be no Halo, then no 343i, and no 343i fan site. Fair enough? So I hope I have proven my point finally. So 343icf, I ask for you, to please respect the developers, and that includes Bungie. Say thanks to Bungie for making this fantastic series that have brought us all together here on the best forums and Halo forums, around. Thank you for reading this, and Have a Good Day.
  7. I'm not here, I'm not there, I'm not sure where I am???? O_o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better. Prepare to enter: The Scary Door.

    3. Cry0G3n1c


      You have entered the Twilight zone. you must retrieve the triforce hehe

    4. Spyro


      You're in the forum, I've come to take you to the wise old Hippie.

  8. Hippie is now an Inheritor. :)

  9. Hippie has 11 minutes left of his last game of Fire Fight. So if you want to play with him, get ready. :) He'll be headed to swat in a few minutes. :)

  10. Hippie is planning on becoming Inheritor tonight. So if you dont mind Swat, then let me know, I will stop him from FireFight around 10k left to go so people can play with him and watch him hit that mark. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zelda
    3. SykoWolf


      Give Hippie mine and Lachy's "Good Lucks" and all that

    4. Archangel Tyrael

      Archangel Tyrael

      Tell him Congratulations for me! :)

  11. Soon, hubby will be Inheritor! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Church
    3. Loser


      then it will be Zeldas trun

    4. Zelda


      hahaha. There's no way I can go through 9 mil in one month. Thats finishing Nova, Forerunner, Reclaimer, then Inheritor. No way. lol.

  12. OMG!!! I seriously, absolutely HATE the dashboard update!!! I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!....... AND I STILL HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EliteSniper


      Is there a dashboard upgrade? O.o

    3. Twinreaper


      It's no different than the last update. Just IE is now available. What about is "clunky"?

    4. Loser
  13. He is getting there, I can assure you.
  14. Now the trolls are in for a world of hurt. His ban hammer is going to be flying everywhere. Trolls and Bots beware!
  15. I have found the Gargoyle quotes so others can laugh at them if they want. But to those who dont know about them, they are relativity very rude and insulting stone gargoyle head statues. Anytime you get near them in Fable 2, they immediately and never hesitate to throw insults your way. And they always have a Scottish accent. So to some of us, we have found them to be very amusing. And to others, well, they dont much care for them. "Ach, I can smell your awful breath... all the way from here." "I'd ask you to try and shoot me... but ya'd probably poke your eye out instead." "I might be made of stone, but at least I ain't stone blind." "Hey! You're that mighty adventurer, aren't you? Well, I've got a quest for you: KISS MY STONEY ARSE!" "I bet your shooting's as bad as your body odour!" "I heard there was a prophecy about you... yeah... something about THE WORST MARKSMAN OF ALL TIME! Yeah, that was it! Hahaha!" "You must be the sorriest excuse of a Hero I ever saw, and I've seen plenty." "Ye cannae hit me. Ye cannae hit me! Haha!" "Hi, my name's Barn Door. Bet ye cannae hit meeee!" "You look more like a crack-pot than a crack-shot!" "Don't you try and ignore me, you pink-bellied numpty!" "Is this what I've been sittin' here waiting for all these centuries? You?! Bah!" "I can tell by yer glazed over eyes ye cannae shoot straight!" "Hey! Hero! Do you have any health or potions? Hahaha, you ain't got no skill, that's as plain as day!" "Ach, away with ye, ye scavenger dog-monkey." "Hey! Look at me when I'm insulting ya! You walking sack of compost!" "You think you're smart? I've seen more brains in a slop-bucket!" "Lets see your aim... If ya got one!" "Phppt!" "You couldnae hit a castle wi'a ball of dung!" "Ach, ya blunderin' goon, you couldnae hit me in a million years!" "Tell me this, how does a rubbish shooter like you stay alive? You must be a right jammy bugger!" "What are you gonna do, huh? Shoot me? Ooh, I'm shiverin', mummy, help!" "Tell me this, is it true you don't know which way to hold a crossbow? Hahaha!"' "Oh, look! My face is all exposed!" "Which one ya cannae hit me with? Yer gun, or yer sneeze?" "Hey, what you are doing with all those weapons? You might as well use a wee toy slingshot, ye big baby!"
  16. "Hi, my name's Barn Door. Bet ye cannae hit meeee!" Gargoyles from Fable 2

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I am Absolute Dog and I approve this message.

    2. Jeff Hall

      Jeff Hall

      Loved their accents.

    3. Zelda
  17. I liked Arby. Although, AR cant really be used. At least I dont think so. I think it has to have at least 3 characters.
  18. Blah, blah, blah.... blah.... blah.... blah? ..... Am I missing something? lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twinreaper


      you forgot the NOM NOM NOM

    3. Loser


      halo halo halo halo is what u forgot

    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      I use Statefarm insurance too.

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