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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. Lmao! This is one of the best posts ever!
  2. Lol. Nope. But apparently I am slightly late to the party. Azaxx
  3. I think it looks great. I dont do clans, but your post does look good. Good job on your first post.
  4. I ban Shadow Magnum because he wont let me ban Zag. lol
  5. I ban Zaguroth, because apparently I'll live longer than him??? lol. O_o
  6. I ban Mr. Gabe because I don't know which Elite he is in his signature??? O_O lol.
  7. I ban the person above because she lives in Ireland and its rains allot there. I wish I could live there.
  8. I actually have three birthmarks. All are brown small ovals. I have one on the back of my neck, close to my hair line, one on my left calf, and one else where.
  9. Looks to me that they are all a rip off of other games. Like the rhinoc from the old school spyro games, halo's cortana, and the dude on the other side of her looks like someone from star trek.
  10. Lol. I ban Azy because this is the last one before we get into trouble.
  11. lmao. I ban Azy for thinking that I am going to fight it in the first place. lol.
  12. I ban Azy for not giving me the courage to do so.
  13. lmao. I ban Azy cause he gets to escape with munchkin.
  14. Lol. I ban Azy for giving me scary fake dreams of giant spiders.
  15. I ban TheDarkestHour for....... I dunno, let me get back to you on that.
  16. I ban the international brothers. (Azaxx and Spyro) Just because the two of them can always bring a smile to my face for their bickering.
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