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Everything posted by Zelda

  1. To my Mom who I lost at the age of 16. She was 44 years old when she passed. Her name was Tammy.
  2. I know. it was only an idea that I had for the Art Department names. But if its ok with Twam.
  3. I wonder, since there are color codes for the Normal Moderators (Blue), The news moderators (This color?), and Twam (Red), cant the Art Department have a color code as well? That will help them stick out for those that are new to the site, and need an Art person for help. I personally recommend in rainbow colors so that it shows they are in the Art Department. Not to mention, If Egyptionghetto gets the position, then the rainbow colors would work out great! Just a thought.
  4. You two can be the Demi-Gods. That would put you two between us and Twam
  5. Sweet. I think it'll make it less complicated.
  6. I support Egyptianghetto's work. He does amazing and beautiful work. He's the one that did my Signature. So please consider him for the art department.
  7. Queen of the Shout Box. Lol.
  8. I guess we'll see how this will turn out. I've been nominated. Girls don't stand much chance on this one. Oh well. I don't think I'll win anyways. Lol
  9. Yes, that would be him.
  10. Its ok, Az. We'll still be here when you get back. And don't worry, you'll pull out of this just fine!
  11. Ok, I'll tell him. He really does like showing them to people.
  12. Mostly their Swat. But some are Slayer, and some race tracks. So he does all kinds of things.
  13. My husband makes great maps, but not alot of people get to see them. So here's an idea I came up with. To who ever would like to see his maps, you can send him a message on Xbox Live so he can invite you to see them. However, if you come into the game and map, you are NOT to delete anything whatsoever, period! Or you will get booted and blocked. No one like's it when someone ruin's somebody else's map. His GT is HIPPIEWATERSKIE. You can either send him a message on there or on here, or you can send me a message on here. Also, he is also willing to help out on making maps. Or even to help someone on understanding forge and map making. So just ask him.
  14. So here's something that way out there. A few of us once talked about My Little Pony being in Halo 4. So here's the question, what would you want your Pony in Halo 4 to look like? And also, add whatever else you can think of that is definitely not normal to be in a Halo 4. For example, I want a purple Pony that has wings, with silver horn and black and silver hair. So lets here it. And please don't insult. I'm just doing this for fun.
  15. Fullmetal Alchemist, And Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. And Inuyasha. But if you want good shows, Legend of the seeker, Jericho, and Of course, Supernatural. Eureka is pretty great as well.
  16. Again. Us SWAT players get to suffer some more. Personally, I do really hope they remove all of these updates when the new Halo 4 come's out. Seriously, I just want Reach to go back to the way it was before 343i stepped into the picture. Move all these update's to the new Halo 4 and put Reach back to the original form. Oh, and one more thing 343i, get yourself a new Ban Hammer like what Bungie used to have. Your killing Reach. Between the Spawn Killer's and the A-hole's who think its awesome to shoot through walls, floors, and ceilings, its pretty much becoming more and more unbearable to play anymore. You took out Uncaged and Pinnacle, yet left in Asylum? The least you could do is maybe throw in Cliffhanger and Atom. And when we were all complaining about the spawn killings, we were mainly asking if you could possibly take a little time out of your busy days to rearrange the spawn points and maybe even add a few extra things in the maps to help prevent spawn killing? Sure, there's a few of us that are glad to see them maps gone, but now we have to deal with Asylum over, and over, and over again. You guys completely ignore Swat and Snipers.There's no Super Jackpot, no new maps, no new game types, no new nothing, whatsoever! I'm Begin to think you people HATE Swat and Snipers. If you need someone to build you Swat/Sniper maps, my Fiance and I are more than happy to take on that challenge. He's been building Swat maps for quite sometime now. All we need is just a little bit of a chance for it. It's really not that much to ask. And please, please, please put Rumble Pit back the way it once was. Seriously, there's no need to change Slayer Pro to just DMR's and Frag's. That used to be one of my favorite gametypes and favorite playlist until you had to screw it up as well. Enough with the T.U. And I agree with Santanic Script, its the least you could do. Make two separate categories. One with all your T.U. and the other with the ORIGINAL playlist's without T.U. So I leave you now to think about what I said. Start paying attention to your costumer's or your not going to last very long with Halo. :wallbash:
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