This morn, I was doing the usual shower, get dressed, eat, and all that good stuff. Then I decide I want to play some Halo today. Or maybe some Minecraft. The problem is, when I tried to sign in, I couldn't sign in to Xbox LIVE for some reason. I tried my other account which hasn't been signed in to Xbox LIVE for 2 years and it signs in perfectly. I recall adding some kid who was really a dirtbag, trashed talk all the time, harrassing me and my clan members. Then last night he adds me as a friend. I accept it go to sleep. So after connecting the dots... I suspect I've gotten hacked? I don't know. And I also don't get it. I pay for my security (Xbox LIVE Membership) and all that. I've been a good un over Xbox. (I hope)
Any help or suggestions?
(I can also access my account on still. Although by accident instead of '.ca' I put '.com' and it said that I was locked out for trying in the wrong password too many times. So I think someone may be trying to get rid of me over Xbox?