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Everything posted by Sikslik7

  1. Age of Empires 2, with The Conquerors Expansion, back in 2001. Damn that was a great buy.
  2. No, it doesn't sound good, as Today is the 20th, Sunday is the 24th.
  3. Enjoying my new Nokia Lumia 1020, that's right, with Cortana...

    1. BeckoningZebra1
    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Cortana sux Siri ftw

    3. Guts


      We got a futuristic AI who is still terrible at voice command.

  4. Drizzy Dan is now up for Teleforge, as two days has passed for theRubyPrincess to complete her turn. The map is still on Butch Flower's fileshare. On Deck is Ruby Rose.
  5. Thanks everyone for the honor of serving you as staff. Expect more to come.

  6. Thanks everyone, it is truly an honor to be part of the staff and serve the forums this way.
  7. Alright, Butch Flowers has finished and has uploaded the map to his file share. It is now theRubyPrincess's turn to forge. On deck is Drizzy Dan.
  8. So apparently at Target Rome 2 is on sale in stores for 50% off

  9. Due to Fileshare issues and being away from his xbox for a week, -Sparky- Passes to Maestro. The Map is still on Unease P34nut's Fileshare. On deck is MoM Destruct
  10. Agend Clarke, who is supposedly sent by the Arbiter in the Halo 5 Guardians announcement trailer to go find Master Chief. Halo: Nightfall, the new miniseries that is scheduled for release this fall, centers around Agent Clarke right before the events of Halo 5.
  11. What you are asking for is a game editor. Frankly, this is incredibly hard to do using only a console. If this is what you want to do, look into Halo Custom Edition for PC. It's old, but there is a community for it, that mods and makes maps, from Firefight, to multiplayer, to miniature campaign maps.
  12. E septem montibus, victoria

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Google translate: from Seven Hills victory

  13. Mundus regatur ab uno

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Google translate: The world is ruled by one


  14. Tria bella unus hostis

  15. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/developer/rules Read up on them and make sure you follow them. Then you should be good.
  16. Alright, I am bringing this back with a fury from my week of being on and off here in the forums. Delpn9 passes to Sparky. The map can be found on Unease P34nut's fileshare. On deck is Maestro, followed my our MoM for August. Remember the item change is up to ten, and the things I brought up a week or so ago. If you guys want to get another lobby together to discuss changes and plans, I'd be happy to host one this weekend.
  17. Unum et quattuor sunt regna, mortem emersit

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Lemme Google that... One plus four, are four kings, even the death has emerged. Lol Google translate!

  18. Est ut veniat....

  19. It should be stricken from the record books and all accounts of history!
  20. The last two days I have been at college orientation. Before that was the Destiny Beta. I asked Delpen9 before I left to try to get in done within a day or two. We also tried to make up BeckoningZebra's turn as well. Due to work and Orientation, I have not been able to keep track of this and get on people about it.
  21. Ten pieces really does make a difference, as it allows a majority of an idea to form and be built. anyways, these changes will just save time and allow more building of the map by members instead of having to make large changes during your turn.
  22. I used the top one, thanks for being a bro!
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