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Everything posted by Sikslik7

  1. Since Connor passes, it is now Baconshelf's turn (unles he wishes to wait as Conner Kenway will be able to forge tomorrow), and he can find the map on EmileA129's Fileshare.
  2. What's your gamertag BTW? Maybe you have to earn a Vidmaster first, but I didn't get one until way after I got Recon (about a year later). The only thing that really corresponds to the timing would be campaign or how far I got in MM.
  3. No, it does auto unlock. My friend got Xbox-live for the first time over Christmas, he has Recon with the new account, as it unlocked for him. My account got Recon unlocked a full six months after the auto-unlock started, and yes, my account was created after that. Plenty of people have come to the forums over the last year complaining about this same issue, and have all come back and responded that it did unlock to them after playing for a while. Also, go play Halo 3 right now, and you will see plenty of new players that have not played Halo 3 before last year, and many of them will be wearing Recon. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor/R_variant Check the last trivia^^
  4. Yep, announced and happened two summers ago? http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7012-halo-3-recon-armor-for-everyone/
  5. Recon now auto unlocks after you play a few games on Halo 3. Just play and it will come!
  6. I will be at college, so probably not, but if someone has it, you're damn right I will.
  7. If you could provide a link to your fileshare, I'd love to get a look at this map. Also, I would like to extend an invitation for you to join the community's Teleforge program. A link is in my signature below.
  8. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask! To change your name: In the upper right, click on your username, Click "My settings", then it will be the fourth tab down on the left "Display name"
  9. Yeah, That would be fine. If someone gets in some forging that they needed to make up, that's fine. Correct.
  10. I would be in favor on putting down a CAPTCHA for registering. Additionally, There might be a link to the actual spambot provider's site in one of the posts. IF the staff could get in contact with the provider, they might be able to get our site on the "Do not spam list" if the provider has one. Other than that, the removal of these Spambots has been kept up by members reporting and the moderators using the Ban Hammer. Praise to them for their good work!
  11. Hmmm, let me check into that. When I changed the poll, I had to add a questions, save the post, then go and delete the first question. It may be that there needs to be two questions. EDIT: Try now, I deleted and remade the poll.
  12. Alright, EmileA129 Your are up, Download the file, place/move/delete your 7 objects and upload to your fileshare the new map. On deck is Connor Kenway.
  13. Bnus has asked it to be passed onto Shadowfiend216. You know where to find it. On Deck is EmileA129. I decided that getting a scheduled time for most people is hard, and this could work around scheduling and other problems with domination. I think this could work out better. Added to the list.
  14. i was thinking at the beginning of the next round (starting with me) that I would increase it to ten items. Also, due to his availability the next few days, Gemini Dragons passes to Bnus. The map is on Starfire's Fileshare. On Deck is Shadowfiend216.
  15. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!
  16. I can concur with this statement. With the amount of teleporters already on the map, I believe we need to scale down the randomness and try to build areas and connections between them. New Poll is now up.
  17. Alright, Gemini Dragons is up to forge. On deck is Bnus. I looked at the version we currently have, a believe we are far from choosing a gametype for the map as of yet. Additionally, I have two important questions for Teleforge in general. 1. Would you like to increase the item placement to ten per turn to help increase the rate of finishing the maps? 2. Do you guys want to start a second map, if so, do you guys want to use Impact, or have a new poll? And if you feel like joining, feel free to drop a comment here in the thread that you wish to do so.
  18. I don't believe people have decided yet, other than this would be a 4v4 map. I have not looked at the map after I started it, so I will have to take a look at the progress so far. It may just be too early to tell as of yet as well.
  19. Indeed, Drizzy has informed me to just pass it on, as he was not able to place his pieces. The map is on Butch Flower's Fileshare (GT is TyroneKing 343i). On Deck is Gemini Dragons. Sure, I'll add you to the list.
  20. Yeah, could at the bottom of this be a spoiler with a short version of what happened without all the story? That'd be great. It's a little hard to decipher if you weren't there.
  21. Any games people are interested in on Steam?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GryffinGuy007


      Dead Island Epidemic. $1 on G2A.com.

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      lol Austin I got it for free :D

    4. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      I want ARMA 3 sooooo bad.

  22. Any games people are interested in on Steam?

  23. The problem is your internet connection. It drops to low levels or cuts out for a brief second, which is enough to stop your connection to Xbox Live.
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