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Everything posted by Sikslik7

  1. Delpen9, time to Teleforge!

    1. Delpen9


      *Passes it to next person* There's a very good reason.

    2. Sikslik7


      Then -Sparky_ is up

  2. I believe Unease P34nut has failed to meet the forge deadline, and therefore it passes to Delpen9. The file should still be on BeckoningZebra1's fileshare. Also, If you can, eve if it is a little after you post, edit it so that there is a working direct link to your fileshare on Waypoint or to the map. EDIT: Delpen9 passes to -Sparky- for reasons unspecified
  3. As a community we host a variety of customs multiple times every month, with changing gametypes and competitions. We have more than a few scheduled for the next few weeks in Halo 4 and other games. Once MCC comes out, there will most definitely be customs hosted by the site. As for just getting together with other members and playing for a few hours of mm or something else, it happens everyday.
  4. Valar Morghulis

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      *Pretends to know what that means. Leans back in chair feeling cool*

  5. Well, it looks like he ripped you off, majorly. You see, unless he gave your the account email and password for it (as well as the Microsoft profile password), as well as other information, he basically just sold you an Xbox 360 (which sounds like it may have issues with it). If you don't have the email or passwords, you cannot contact Microsoft Support to get it fixed or anything else. If you do happen to have these, change the passwords as soon as possible! He may try to move the account back onto another Xbox once he is back at college and then change them or do something else that will screw you over, and then you have lost the account as well. As for the banning, you need to double check that. Figure out what the ban is for and for how long (Most times it is just a temp ban). To get better help from people, write down the exact messages you get concerning the ban.
  6. Alright, I have uploaded a map titled "TeleForge 1" to my Fileshare. It is now BeckongingZebra's turn to forge. I placed 7 objects, and made a spawning and respawning area right above the area I began the map. When it comes to your turn to forge, always remove the old file from you Foursquare, when you upload the newest one. As for time limits, how about 48 hours, and then if you know ahead of time, inform us so we can skip you. Then you can come back in when you are next supposed to forge in the rotation, unless other members want to squeeze your turn in between them.
  7. As for an order, I am up to anything. Who signed up first, alphabetically, oldest member to newest, etc. For who starts, anyone can start a map, but I will start the first one. I would not recommend having more than 3 maps going on at the same time. For choosing gametype, map sizes, etc. Discuss discuss discuss! Additionally, it looks like Forge Islands will be the first canvas. What size of map, or location do you guys want it? On which island, in midair, or out in the sea?
  8. I will probably start it before, but it really is not an event, unless you guys make it.
  9. Here is the link to the video: The annotations are secret, thus you must pause and move your mouse around the screen for the one second the annotation is there.
  10. As they explained it at E3, each game runs the exact same engine that is did for the original game. The Matchmaking however is broken up into playlists that contain more than one game, so to exclusively play on one game would be difficult to achieve in mm. However, if you wanted to play with friends is customs, you would get the same experience that you would have while playing Halo CE. So yes, you would get the Halo:CE gameplay experience unaltered, but you would be getting other games in there as well. However, the playlists are mixed and broken down differently than any game had it. You will not find the same playlists you would have found on the original game, or the same set of maps. So same gameplay of each game, but differently broken down playlists. I believe weapons act the same way as they did in each game as well, based off of the game play we saw at E3.
  11. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!
  12. Don't forget to sign-up! Voting does not enter you into the rotation! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35335-community-teleforge/

  13. Are you sure? During the presentation they specifically said new "spartan abilities" for Halo 5 Guardians. The Halo 5 Beta stuff starts at 8:20. I have a feeling armor abilities just won't be in the same form as we remember, but something more physical, such as just dashes, rolls, sprints, and larger jumps.
  14. So many old members, such memories.

  15. Don't, invest in your future, and get a job. Then you have reasons why only one video game is fine.
  16. Yeah, pretty much. This should be a lot easier to accomplish then setting up times to get together and also work out everything beforehand.
  17. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask! Additionally, feel free to partake in a variety of playdates and community events. I am currently starting up a community forge project, which can be found here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35335-community-teleforge/?do=findComment&comment=321101 No experience is required, and all members are invited to partake in the fun!
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