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Everything posted by Sikslik7

  1. Forum Dino's father would be Coldextinction. (is a member, look them up)
  2. Twam is a also a time traveler. (proof on forum memories page)
  3. A deserving, Legend of a member, Quantum. Good to see a new addition the the legends of a loved staff and regular member.
  4. Catch you later, because wolves running around is not a good thing.
  5. This looks incredibly simple, which makes it either really good, or possibly uneven. Looks interesting though.
  6. We do a lot of customs on Friday and Saturday in the form of playdates. We do have some great times. But I suggest looking at halocustoms.com a newer site that is dedicated to custom games in Halo. There are many lobbies and a variety of games.
  7. Got home to find my dog puked up a pound and a half of apricots, time to go to the animal hospital

  8. Although many of us get together on Friday's and Saturdays on various Halo games, another place many members go to halocustoms.com. It's a newer site that is a huge custom game lobby promotion. You can join games or simply start your own lobby.
  9. Although I love the dynamic lighting and idea of magnets, I was quite disappointed. Not many new things were added and fine editing and zoom in was removed. The forge numbers for certain groups are less than in Reach. I like the new forge, but I don't like the fact that some nice elements were taken out.
  10. So acording to my profile page and in posts I have like 1250 posts, but according to the forum top posters, I have almost 1300

    1. Church
    2. Cooliest


      Same here profile says like 625 but I have like 668?

  11. Well a late announcement is better than none. Congratulations officially RSR
  12. I can only direct you to halowaypoint.com, 343i's site. This is only a community run forum
  13. I love how he just switches to the pistol for fun. Man, I remember seeing each of those mods separately, that must be scary althogether
  14. Well, the records broken. My school district finally called a snow day, no longer being the only district not to close for the past 9 years.

  15. I need a couple as well, hopefully you are open most of next week, cause I will. GT is username
  16. Why won't I post a picture of myself? Because you're all creeps, just look at my profile views...

    1. Church
    2. Azaxx


      *cough* most on site *cough*

  17. A great MoM post! Worthy of a few reads and listens.
  18. Anyone renewing their gold membership soon? I can get you 400 MSP.

    1. Quantum


      How does that work?


    2. Sikslik7
  19. Wait what? Look at the date at the top, March 2, 2013. Hmmm, a picture of the past in the future! Twam is a time-traveler!
  20. Yes, that game was made that way. It had a "forge" with semi programmed AI. Since Halo has more factors going into AI (more variables for different gameplay every time) it is much harder to have forgeable AI. It can be done with mods, but it needs more than just a regular Xbox.
  21. Well deserved, and well, I guess he fulfills a prediction long ago. Good job Church!
  22. So, what is tomorrow's mystery playdate? Guesses?

  23. So, what is tomorrow's mystery playdate?

  24. uhh, don't mix anything orange and mint flavored....

  25. I wonder what this weekend's playdate will be....

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