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Everything posted by Sikslik7

  1. As this isn't 343i's site, halowaypoint.com is, I can only reference you there. I have seen similar issues, but did you complete it while connected to Xbox live? If you weren't, the points weren't saved online.
  2. None of the other weapons are this detailed the loadouts menu. Frankly it doesn't really matter. I don't understand the problem.
  3. Welcome to the forum! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!
  4. Well, Thursday is Valentine's day....
  5. Doorbell rings, there is a girl out side* Hi there, here is your Girl Scout Cookies, they are already paid for. -Um okay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zelda


      lmao. Sounds a bit tricky to me. lol

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      its a scam


      2 months later


      slik hears door bell

      comes to door

      girl scout sais u know those cookies u paid for

      silk sais yes

      girls scout sais well it was for another adress now u must pay us 4000 dollers



    4. DoctorB77


      Not at all. Depends on how many you have and what they were. Thin mints are amazing.

  6. Boot up Halo 4, go to your Spartan menu, go to file browser, click on what type of thing you want (ie. Gametype) and then select Fileshare search. Then just type in the GT. BTW, what is the Gamertag you looking for? I am developing a competitive gametype, and want to see what is out there.
  7. So my friend just got red ring, so guess who has a power cable now! Me!!! And btw: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25530-request-for-help/

  8. Might I suggest you guys use a PM, that way it is private and can't be seen or ruined by others.
  9. I played on this last night and loved it!
  10. I like this idea, but would switch a few things up, but it makes sense. In many of the previous games there were different health allies (typically all marines), but they all looked very similar, so you didn't notice it.
  11. I currently am in the middle of creating a tournament style competitive game in Halo 4. Let's just say it is different, but similar to things done in the past (the way past). I am trying to develop a game type for my project, but it will need extensive testing and development. Hopefully I can be ready to release the idea in the middle of March sometime. I understand this is really vague, but I need to get some testing done before I can take this to the next level. If my idea does succeed, it will be something very unique to the forum. I will be leaving this open for the next week for people to display interest. What I need: I currently need anyone who can play some games of Halo and give me some basic feedback on the gametype over the next couple of weeks. I also need someone willing to stick with me if the idea is released to help me run the project. This person would help me run a minor forge contest and help deal with administrative things.
  12. I was at Spade's custom game night for a couple games, but right as Spades was bringing someone "major" in, my Xbox power cord failed. So I'll be getting a power cord sometime this week.
  13. Wow, looks just like MN after the first snowfall in November. Get over it!
  14. That makes Choot'em the first mistress. Oh God, Choot-bot babies!
  15. I know what you mean, but it isn't. It is illusion created by the the empty space where the blocks meet. Just move the vertical block onto the other block more. (ie, when using magnets, get it there, then let go of the piece, turn off magnets, and slowly adjust the piece)
  16. well, my power cord just blew,in the middle of game night. I'll be getting one later this week. This really sucks.

  17. Well, my powe cord to my xbox blew, in the middle of game night. I'll be getting one some time this week, so this just sucks.

  18. I save up, do the surveys, and when friends need renewal,I send them an email, that way we get more points
  19. *pulls out the old anvil* I'll see what I can do. I assume this contest will actually go someplace, unlike the one in August.
  20. So 343i bot has 116 likes and 337 posts, no one like 343i bot until the 343rd post!

    1. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      i wonder what will happen when 343ibot gets to 343 posts? a paradox perhaps?

  21. So go to the in game main menu, and download the maps from the downloadable content section in game.
  22. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!
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