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Everything posted by XHN SCRAPY

  1. It would be awesome if the game was updated and release on the GFWL Marketplace for free or for like 5 bucks and it was updated to support or properly play on Windows XP and other operating systems... Im sure that if they would update it and spend some free time fixing it up a bit and making some updates it would be perfect to play for everyone on PC. Then with the revenue of 1 - 5 dollars a game they could then have the support to keep the game alive and online and possibly bring another halo to PC... say halo 3 pc..... :/ I know i would buy a copy of halo 2 again if it were to be put on the marketplace.... the gamers are there, the people are there, the money is there, but the effort and support from Microsoft in bringing the game up and out there is not...
  2. I was around 23-27 on most of the match making sets that were actually ranked lol.... I did get to 34 on Sniper play list but that was like the 80th time they reset the ranks lol
  3. server list is down, gfwl box needs to be reset... probably due to latest windows updates and being that its been the weekend, it should be back up this week.
  4. In collaboration with KiwiDoggie and his project breeze Expect an alpha testing stage for H2 Rank within the next couple weeks :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Check out project breeze over here at KiwiDoggie's blog Project Members on H2Rank TDxDeadly Data: Reverse Engineering and Programming supersniper: Memmory scanning and Programming ZeroErrors: Programming Kantanomo: Memory scanning :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If anyone is interested I'll upload the mainmenu .sppf patch that puts the ranks in the correct spot on the gamertag but anyways here's a sample pic Download link: Rank_Fix_v1_sppf Also right now if you join the zZz Supersniper server you'll see them in action (you'll all be level 50 as of right now because the database is not connected) Anyways I hope people are interested
  5. First they need to get Hired Gun in and let them handle the remake and give them all the time in the world to remaster this game. They did a good job on the port to Vista, but the end result was in many ways and to most people horrid... (IT WAS NOT THEIR FAULT) it was Microsofts or someone there.... they wanted the game redone in say i guess a month.... they were just rushed so much, they could not do what they wanted do to the game and let the gamers experience halo 2 on a whole new level with cool custom content and many many many more things... but they could not due to the time limit... to get the product out asap and get it out with the release with Vista and the Release of Games For Windows LIVE... They just need fix the Co-OP, theater mode, spectator mode, Matchmaking, maybe just touch up the graphics A Bit O Lot and made it look clean and refreshed, bring in the Reach Graphics look, but keep the Reach mechanics/engine OUT!!!. OH AND FOR ZOMBIES GAMES.... WHEN YOU GET INFECTED... YOU TURN INTO A FLOOOODDDD!!!!!!!!! not just turn green and stuffs... don't know why Flood have not been brought into MP... esp for Zombies.... :crazy: again just leave out all the Halo Reach B.SSSS. out of halo 2, if they decide to redo the game at some point in time. They should spice up the animations and everything and just keep everything halo 2 and just leave it the way it is really. But far more vibrant ya dig. oh and allow maps to be made on the computer and allowed to be shared on the PC/xbox 360/720/900/#3/Lil Box/ because that would be awesomes because im sure there are a lot of people that would love to be able to make custom maps for the game via ground up and im sure it would be a huge hit too and along with forge mayyyyybe ?
  6. [media=] [/media] Here is all the Halo 2 Cut scenes in HD up to 1080 about an hours worth of Cut Scenes... lol
  7. ***Spreading The Word Of This Tournament*** Relaying The Message* iDoS Halo 2 Vista COMING SOON! iDoS will be holding a Halo 2 Vista tournament. It will be a Double Elimination bracket. The winner of each round will advance to the next stage of the tournament, however the loser will drop down to the loser bracket. If they lose again they are out. Server will be Dedicated so no one will have host advantage. (This does not mean there is no lag, expect lag because this is Halo 2 Vista) There will be a first, second and third place prize. They are the following: First Prize: $100.00 USD (must have a PayPal account) Second Prize: $50.00 USD (must have a PayPal account) Third Prize: 25.00 USD (must have a PayPal account) What you will need Halo 2 for Windows Vista! If you do not have it you can get it here for free. Fraps (or another screen recording device)! All matches must be recorded by each player and uploaded. Players will post their videos in this topic (topic will be made when tournament starts) If you cannot record ask someone to sight jack you and record your screen for you. This is the best method against hacking/cheating. Rules No Hacking! All the admins and moderators of iDoS have been playing halo 2 Vista for years and all know what to look for,You will be caught and removed from the Tournament and banned from all iDoS servers and the forum. All Matches will be recorded and viewed by the iDoS staff to make sure everything is legit and so we can see who won each round. Each Matchwill be hosted on an iDoS Dedicated Server. Game Variant Map: Lockout Rounds: 1 Round Time limit: 1 Hour Score to Win: 25 Kills Weapons on Map: Default Starting Weapon: Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon: Magnum You Must be a registered user on our forum to be eligible to participate. ALL Participants must reply to this thread by June 30th, 2012 to be eligible to participate. iDoS Administration
  8. should get halo 2 vista :/ you dont need a hardcore pc to play it really. just at least 7900 nvidia card on up works just fine. dual core cpu. vista or windows 7* ebay, sears.com amazon tigerdirect newegg... the usual places to find stuff that is not in stores anymore lol :/ 20 bucks for the game and stuffs lol and the game can be put on multiple PCs only a max of 5 though i think, so you can put it on your other pcs in your room, living room, kitchen, bathroom? outside by the pool for some sun and fresh air? or your back up pc.
  9. The headers for h2v are different from xbox maps and stuff. But it could be done with a little elbow grease lol i would have no idea where to start lol. but yeah kantanomo has done some good research and what not building on his anti-cheat about shared/mpshared maps and what not about headers and stuff... i think..... not sure though lol
  10. yeah may be lol i just finished lighting at 8am this morning lol i have been thinking about district* anyway to get the model for it? any ce guys do it yet? that would be the best map for some crazy textures and make it like a night/zombie or morning type small amount of hazy fog map, but i also want to try making it more symmetrical, like two parking garages etc lol
  11. Red Pill Or Blue Pill... ...you must walk through it. -Samuel L. Jackson
  12. Gotta Love Suck Ups...

  13. if they do.... they better keep everything the same!!!!!!!!! except unlock and fix, theater mode, spectator mode, headhunter, use better graphic engine, but everything must be the same. same sounds, no new battle rifle or pistol models and alike... keep it the same!!!!!! no new sounds. but put the mongoose in it! and CO-OP ONLINE WITH 16 PEOPELZZZZZZZZZZ
  14. wow that is shmexy hehe wish i had your awesome shader skillz hehe lol
  15. 07-Ghost (TV) , Angel Beats! (TV) , Another (TV) , Ao no Exorcist (TV) , Asura Cryin' (TV) & 2 , Basquash! (TV) , Big O (TV) , Black Blood Brothers (TV) , Black Lagoon (TV) , Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage (TV) , Blade of the Immortal (TV) , Blassreiter (TV) , Blood-C (TV) , Casshern Sins (TV) , Chrono Crusade (TV) , Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) , Darker than BLACK (TV) , Darker than BLACK: Gemini of the Meteor (TV) , Durarara!! (TV) , Desert Punk , the list can go on and on lol....
  16. creating shaders for a Wetworks test map for h2v :/ so annoyingly repetitive :/

  17. The Movie more than likely died because of all the Big Movie Makers and them wanting to do it their way or too much money this way and that way. Microsoft should let Rooster Teeth/343i do the movie. Make it all in house and git r done! Right and awesome like!
  18. Welcome back? not that i have ever seen you beforezzzzz lol welcome back!!!!
  19. why not make flood in mp...??? for like zombies... and stuff... when one dies they turn in to a flood MC or flood Elite and what not :/ blah blah weird how things are changing... i hope it is still good and isn't being changed to match up to cod or mw..................
  20. it tosses in a different feeling to the game, all though i dont really like it much on other games. But if it's just right and not crazy bloomy it is fine with me. you just have to learn how to adapt to it and work your shots in and time everything pretty good. learn to play, learn to win, learn to admit errors etc etc etc etc list can go on and on. but just play it and get used to it. although its never been in halo before and much as it is with reach, but still :/ it is there for the most part in halo games, just not visible via the cross-hair* its the bullet spread in the tags and yeah halo 1 net code is honestly really good* if any of the players maps settings were changed, the game would end in a draw. i liked it when playing online and people would try to cheat it would end the game instantly it noticed a difference. but for lag... halo 1 net code sucked... halo 2 netcode i think is pretty much the best and some improvements were made with halo 3 and that was pretty good to. so any who dont hate just play
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