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Complete Loser

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Everything posted by Complete Loser

  1. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  2. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  3. Congratulations on reaching your 200th post, Time for 500
  4. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  5. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  6. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  7. First off AD you're the greatest painter ever secondly I also noticed this and thought it was an A.I. controlling them but I have been proven wrong by you.
  8. Well vacation pushed back until Labor Day so gonna be a lil while before I can go on vacation

  9. Well awesome not only did I not know I was talking to my superior, I angered him and he probably will try figuring out my rank and demoting me.

  10. Age of Empires, Halo Wars, Command & Conquer, I dunno which one I like most.
  11. 7 Days till my vacation then I'll b gone for about half to a third of a week

  12. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay , But we're a community forum not the actual 343i site I'll link you there, But stay here as well you'll find that we are a friendly forum. Link: Forums
  13. Sorry about your loss, Take your time you deserve this vacation.
  14. Apparently I go to sleep 5 hours ago wake up and ALREADY feel like I was shot in the neck, WHY do I wake up so weirdly(I mean in time I had a stable 2 hour from 6 to 8 AM it was popped)

    1. Azaxx


      Wait, you wake up 5am or earlier then?

      That's me most mornings :/

  15. These "Elites" you speak of are remnants of the Covenant and do not follow the Arbiter as the rest do.
  16. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  17. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  18. 10 Days until vacation which means I'll be gone for 3 to 6 days gonna be offline for that long which is gonna help in the long run with some stress I have and hopefully it relieves it if not then I'll find a stress reliever

  19. Welcome to the forums enjoy your stay
  20. @Skys Remember you need to have a ceremony once you make the next chapter(doesn't require the body)
  21. A lot of people have school and high school starting so there will be a pretty big decline in activity from them, But for those who do have these, Good luck and try to have fun :).

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