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Everything posted by Drago-Morph

  1. I disagree with adding actual traits into loadouts. They can unbalance the game really easily, especially if they have to be earned through rank.
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome guys, I really appreciate it! Last time I did one of these group introduction things, I practically got run out of town. 'Course, that might have been because it was at a Chuck E. Cheese and I didn't have pants on, but the point still stands. Regardless, I'm loving it here already.
  3. I'm going for an overall clown motif. As such, I of course used this emblem: In addition, here's my character (note the rather jovial and clown-esque white and yellow color scheme): And just to top it off, my Service Tag is "BOZO".
  4. I disagree with you about the Jetpack; I think it has the perfect balance of mobility versus exposure. On the other hand I agree with what you said about Forerrunner Vision. It could work, maybe, but they need to treat it very carefully, and pay close attention to map design. Beyond that, universal sprint seems like it would mess up the balance of the other AA's, but it may be negligible. We'd have to wait until we get gameplay footage to see how it goes. Loadouts, on the other hand, are rather problematic. See, they could work, if it was just AA's, weapons, and grenades. You could choose your preferred of each, and as long as each of the weapons had a weakness (you mentioned the range differences of the DMR and BR), and there were no power weapons, it would work out. You pick the one you're best with and play to your style. It adds a layer of tactics. The only problems are the fact that there are "modifications" in there too, and that all of this stuff needs to be unlocked through rank. It could balance out if you were allowed to pick your setup from the start, but obviously if you have a limited selection of weapons, AA's, and modifications, while an opponent has a wide variety, you're at a disadvantage. Of everything we've heard, this is by far the most game-breaking, and the only way I see it not tripping over its own deformed feet and snapping its neck is if they remove the system of "higher rank means you win" entirely. Which, who knows, they may very well do, if the fan outcry is great enough. On the other hand, the more story-driven campaign and Spartan Ops sounds incredible. Even if multiplayer fumbles and dies horribly, the game will be worth getting for single player alone. So, I guess the best phrase so sum up my feelings on the news we've heard so far (regarding multiplayer) is "we'll see". EDIT: Forgot about random weapons spawns and instant respawn. My thoughts on that can be summed up as follows: "Haha, seriously? No." Although, they got rid of Armor Lock, so I guess it balances out and we're back to "we'll see".
  5. Howdy, everyone! My name is Drago-Morph, Drago for short (pronounced drag-oh, not dray-go) and I love me some Halo. Kind of why I'm here, I suppose, but mostly for the sexy booze and the alcoholic women (might have gotten those mixed up, but I'm on a roll here and my fingers refuse to stop typing). Anyway, I've been and avid Halo fan for a few years now, I watched my cousin play Halo 3 back in the summer of '08 and thought it looked cool, so in a completely proportionate response to "that looks cool", I went out and picked up the whole trilogy and played through from start to finish, solo, on Legendary. Then I did the same for Halo Wars, ODST, and the Legendary Edition of Reach. Because I'm completely mentally stable. Anyway, I spent a bit of time back on BNet leading up to Reach, and I was craving me some Halo 4 discussion, so here I am in all my ethereal glory. There's fun to be had in the upcoming months with Uncle Drago, so remember kids: when no one's watching, I'm watching. It's great to be here!
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