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PuRe PoNy

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Everything posted by PuRe PoNy

  1. My fave one is the one with the Chief.
  2. Like if you get the Security shoulder in halo reach you should have been able to use the kukri (the big knife) for assassinations.
  3. I agree, It was best in Halo 2 and 3 when you could duel wield them and be like .
  4. That Masterchief's face shriveled up.
  5. Halo 3 After swapping weapons with an elite "I'm not going to kiss you in front of everyone!"
  6. I think Fire is a great moderator, he always takes interest in my status update.

    1. Azaxx
    2. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      Yeah,that's probably why.

  7. Homeless for a year then win a million dollars, better to spend one year homeless then become rich than vice versa. WYR go to heaven when you die or go to Valhalla (where viking dead were supposed to go, look it up)?
  8. Amazing post Twin! We need to band together and become strong, like how carbon bonds together to form a strong diamond structure. COD players all say how halo is 'unrealistic' and 'a boring game' and when you ask them if they've actually played it they've only played about one match. We enjoy a franchise which has story outside the games and a well developed story at that. We all need to show the rest of the world that we're proud to be fans of Halo!
  9. Oh also I have a plastic Dragon I bought from a gift shop in London.
  10. A Halo : CE Magnum, the terror I could cause! :spiteful: WYR be Jackal Sniper (Carbine, Beam Rifle or Needle Rifle) or a Jackal Major (Energy Shield and Needler)?
  11. As long as you don't TEAM kill.
  12. Spartan II with a magnum, I'd be stronger. If I ran out of ammo I could pummel everyone. WYR eat Veal or Lamb?
  13. I have started reading 'The Hobbit'.

    1. Fire


      That's a great book!

    2. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      Yes so far it's good and I expect it will be good all the way through. Then in December I will see the movie.

  14. I think Brutes kinda look like orcs.
  15. I was playing Invasion and Hi-jacked a Scorpion and planted a grenade. My friend killed the driver and got in and when it blew up it said I'd betrayed him. FML. P.S I think my teammate was someone from the forums but I can't remember who it was.
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