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PuRe PoNy

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Everything posted by PuRe PoNy

  1. We're not a covenant, we're a fandom. We've been here for a long time so you're a bit behind, anyway we're off topic! Keep an eye on your grandfather.
  2. And they would have gone well with the aviator armor.
  3. Goodbye Reach, you were good to us with your lush forge world and your flying falcon. We will miss you.
  4. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed that there are no UNSC aircraft in multiplayer or custom games and I've got to say that disappoints me. I thought the Falcon was good in reach and I would have liked to see the hornet return. I hope they maybe release some in a DLC as 343 have made a great game but some aspects need tweaking.
  5. Been a long time since I've been on here. I plan to be on more often now.

  6. Yay! Don't scare me like that. I can't lose my brony friend. Good to know you're back *fires party cannon*
  7. Bye Minuette, I'll be missing you .
  8. Yes but it is a really big piece of paper! TPAM Does not simply walk into mordor. TPBM lives on the moon with princess luna.
  9. "Usually the good Lord works in mysterious ways. But not today! This here is sixty-six tons of straight up, H-E-spewing dee-vine intervention! If God is love, then you can call me Cupid!" - Sgt. Major Avery Junior Johnson.
  10. We kept on driving hoping to find a sign of this 'Gravemind'. We figured that he would be where the amount of flood was largest but they were swarming everywhere we went. "Dammit!", shouted Jack, "How are we supposed to find this thing!". Then something strange happened, we picked up a UNSC beacon signal about 10 miles away. "I thought we were the only ones left," said Benson. "Let's go investigate," I said and Jack drove towards the beacon.
  11. One of the things we have that COD doesn't is a great community.
  12. There are no warm sands in England silly khajit anyway good luck.
  13. That was a really helpful video good job! I'm glad I pre-ordered special edition XD.
  14. They probably won't be in multiplayer at least for this reason: In halo reach you couldn't use the passenger seats in a falcon, bungie did this to make the game more balanced as destroying a fully loaded falcon would be an instant Killtrocity. Imagine what you would get with a fully loaded pelican so for this reason they probably won't be in halo 4 multiplayer but they may be in campaign and custom.
  15. Level 1: You have to do some sort of tutorial .
  16. I have to say Halo 3 because it was really the game that defined the halo franchise. The halo rings were stopped, the covenant were defeated and Master Chief got lost in space and began to sleep until he was needed.
  17. Haven't been on here in ages.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      (\ almost finished season 2 of mlp fim.

    3. Azaxx


      Good job, I remember starting watching it one day at I think 2pm roughly, before I knew it, it was 1am the next day lol.

    4. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      wOZZY! i was wondering where u went

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