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l Omnix l

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Everything posted by l Omnix l

  1. Bloom is needed "Bad Boys", it's just needed. No body likes the trigger-spamming noob running at you while jumping around, then tea-baggin your dead body. That's not skill. Pulling the trigger isn't skill. Skill is learning how to use the weapon properly and actually timing your shots, working shooting angles with the architecture, paying attention to your sights/reticle, etc, not to mention that a gun with bloom is infinitly more realistic than a "stationary gun" that's shouldered while running/strafing sideways up a ramp or in mid-air. Bloom requires skill. It requires patience, not the "I shot his face!!!" instinct that you have so clearly pointed out. There is a higher-level of Halo skill yet to be gained I think.
  2. If they make the loadouts customizable/upgradable with points then it will turn into the pile of junk that almost every COD game has become. I play Halo because I love Halo and DON'T like COD. Upgradable weapons with rank/credits would be so, so stupid. Upgradable armor? Sure. I even like the idea of making the armor specifc, as in those stupid huge shoulder pads so many people like would increase their in-game profile/taget area... idk.
  3. Bring back the removed maps! SWAT has no appeal for my anymore, most of the maps left in the rotation just arn't the best. Add some varience! 343, you need to look around the community and add some good user-created maps that are SWAT specific!
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