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Everything posted by heghog

  1. 2 things. If weapons have attachments then you could make it so you could set them in forge. Also i thought of this today. You gould forge nature objects. You start with a flat map that just has grass in like a canyon and you could spawn a hill which is a flat grass square. Then you could edite the hight and watch your hill grow. next you can edit the length and with of top and bottom to strech the hill however people want.
  2. I dont like how you can pick gernades. Everyone would use plasmas because there the most powerfull
  3. heghog

    DMR vs BR

    BR. the dmr is overpowered and is like holding the reach sniper rifle.
  4. 2 things. If weapons have attachments then you could make it so you could set them in forge. Also i thought of this today. You gould forge nature objects. You start with a flat map that just has grass in like a canyon and you could spawn a hill which is a flat grass square. Then you could edite the hight and watch your hill grow. next you can edit the length and with of top and bottom to strech the hill however people want.
  5. I agree im never an elite, but i think its stuped how they took them out. They could just say the new freindly covenent are training with the chief.
  6. Game companies should listen to themself and not there community. Listening tends to make crappy games. Example cod
  7. Hacker is just copieing of cods scrabbler and its stupped. telliporter would be cheap for vehicals and quick excape. Maybe a flash light would be better with the same effects as bf3. or they could just get rid of them.
  8. Im going to pre order it but if it is as bad as reach I will not buy halo 5
  9. heghog

    weapon down

    They should put weapon down in online custom games. You should go into it by pressing that thing that we all forgot about. Up on the d-pad
  10. theres a ghost under game informer on 4th pic
  11. Heavy tank (its in halo custom edition. It has quad barrles and rockets)/ grissly. unfair in normal playlist, but it could make intreasting game modes.
  12. Im just saying if they do have attachments it would be a good idea. Also I hope all the guns stay ballenced. Last they shouldnt have gernade custimization because everyone will just go with stikys.
  13. superior ideas from a superior halo player

  14. They should not give people classes like cod or bf3, because theres one gun that always stands out with whatever attachments(acr/mp7-cod famas-bo pp-19-bf3 exsetra). I do still think customization is good to have, but instead of everyone playing cod futere warfair 4 and running around with the dmr (The obvious weapon people would chose) 343 should make it so (if they have one) you could go into the map editor and change individual weapons on map in settings so no one as a advatige and the game could actully return to something called halo.
  15. playing h3 tomorrow at 8 ohio time. if you want to join me send a message to Some Roadkil1
  16. heghog

    back to basics

    I think for weapon customization they should let you go into the map editor if they have one and customize indivitiual weapons
  17. heghog

    back to basics

    I dont get it. 343 says this games going to be like the original halos but there adding stuff that ruins it. For example there adding join in progress. Thats stupped its just going to make people feel its alright to rage quit and they could do it all the time. In halo 3 since you couldnt join in progress people got mad at quiters and no one ever quit. A few more problems are: The dmr-Its not halo. It beats everything at all range and it kills to fast. Its a weapon for cod players not halo unless they made it 5 shots to kil and a little slower fire rate. it would be renderd useless other then sniper supprestion No elites in maltiplayer-Im usally not an elite but I know people who like them. they could have them invade the halo 4 ship thing or train with the spartins. Join in progress-Already explained Armor abilities-Come on. Halo is a game were everything should start off with exactly the same stuff. The only way that they could make it halo is give everyone sprint and the abilities spawn like weapons.
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