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Everything posted by turboeagle20g

  1. One last thought. If you guys decide to make load outs for weapons like in call of duty and armor upgrades like cod, halo 4 has already failed. You have changed to multiplayer so much at that point because you tried to make it cod but with aliens that you lost your hardcore halo fans. End of story. And you will not attract the cod crowd because they play cod for a simulation experience. Not to fight aliens with carbines. They prefer the look and feel of actual real life combat. Our halo fans love that imaginary I am superman feel in a game and I can take out 10 guys in a few seconds if I am good.
  2. Oh and stop listening to people who are not your base. It's like the republicans trying to win democratic votes or the other way around. Not going to happen. Play to your base and you'll do well. Why would you remove territories hemorrhage from objective? The best game type in your game?... Why remove the tank and replace with a wraith? Again listening to people who drop in to play a few games that like cod better anyway so they come in to reach to cry about "oh no fair". They don't like your game anyway! So they just go back to cod and meanwhile you listened to them and made changes to the game that in turn pissed off your base. Oh the sniper has too many bullets?..so you limit the sniper bullets down? Because you tried to win over someone who has long since out your game Down For something else? Again one poor decision after another. Keep going against your base, your halo lovers, and they will eventually dump halo for something else too.
  3. For the love of god fire your entire team that designs maps! I haven't met one person online who likes the new maps. And your choice for old maps to bring back have been hideous! I am an osx game designer and can design a better map in my sleep for this game. I've literally had dreams where I was in the game and can recreate what I saw in great detail. And your desig ers do not have this talent. Very apparent from all the map updates to reach. No offense. That's why you lost players to cod! Poor choices over and over because you don't understand the community bungie built. And haven't catered to them. Instead you tried capturing new clients who put your game down after a week anyway,instead of taking care of loyal fans. That being said bring back some halo 2 maps! Burial mounds! Lockout! Relic! Don't over think the designs! Halo 2 maps were bright simple and beautiful. That made the world fall in love with halo. Every thing that followed after tried to make the maps more sophisticated more detailed more futuristic. Fail! Give me the brightness and simplicity of a halo 2 map over the darker million color maps of reach. Make your textures prettier and more realistic fine but stop with the intricate garbage like anchor9 or condemned. Halo 2 maps were a breath of fresh air when you came in. Halo 3 kept that for the most part. Then halo reach?...I can't help but feel like I'm walking around on a cloudy day most of the time. And Bring back 4 and 4 grenades! I think we can all recall the amazing feeling we had in halo 2 lockout FFA where you can pile up kills by tossing your 8 grenades into the bottom mid lol. Halo is an arcade game! Cod is a boring simulator. Don't try to make halo something it's not. You will lose all your fans. Give me tons of kills instant gratification where I can be Rambo for a few minutes instead of a spawn camping crouching cod drone.
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