Your beloved Akali is hosting a League of Legends play-date. Will be held on August 30th at 9:00am US Eastern Time till 12:00pm US Eastern Time. (3hr)
We will take a lunch break and meet up again for a second round at 7:00pm US Eastern Time till 10:00pm US Eastern Time. (3hr)
There will be two sign up sheets one for the first interval, another for the second interval. To insure variety and semi equal chance, if you are registered for the 1st interval of 3 hours you cant sign up for the second one until after the first is completed, to insure some others can pre-plan ahead of time. If the slots are not all filled in the second interval come time, others from the first interval who wish to participate may enter.
We will be doing a variety of gameplays based on popular vote at the time. ANY game-type will be optional. I hope to see many people there!
Add me on my account "PrimarchVakarian"
I will update this as frequently as possible until that date. If someone signs up for an interval and cannot stay the full 3 hours, another may fill his place based on the earliest asker for empty seating. If you have any questions please PM me!
First Interval:
Second Interval: