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Vinyl Scratch

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Everything posted by Vinyl Scratch

  1. I know, I'm not bashing him, just letting him know. Also, I think there is a point of spam in the off beats.
  2. Please stop spamming brony threads, we have an official thread for MLP:FiM discussion. Posting elsewhere kinda disrespects the mods request for keeping it in there. They were nice enough to even let us have an official thread. Thanks Mods! You are awesome! I'd link it, but its far down and I don't have time to do it atm.
  3. Does Cortana seem like Katy Perry at some angles in the clips? Personally, I think she looks almost exactly like her if she had shorter hair and was blueish-purple. Mmmm, Cortana......
  4. Looks like there will be more devastation on ze battle field, MUWAHAHA!
  5. All my Skyrim characters have bad a** names except for my Dark Elf, whom I have named Steve. (no joke)
  6. I'm not really leaving, I can't, everytime I try no matter the issue, I feel bound to this site for some reason. I luv you people! :hug:
  7. Scratch what I said before! My favorite video game love are all the new Minecraft girlfriends mods. <3 Hot, anime!
  8. Welcome to the community, but watch where you swing that thing in here.
  9. If you don't I'll... I'll..... I lost what I was going to say.......
  10. Magnus orders you to continue this story......
  11. I like your addition of Knights Of The Old Republic, but 2 was kinda lacking a bit. Not a good climax in its plot at all. Also, I could list maybe a hundred games, but I'll just list 3 to be nice to the people who would have to do a lot of scrolling. 1- Skyrim 2- Halo 3 3- Then all the other games that would have followed.
  12. Yet he always seems to win..... his superpower must be super luck. Until he battles me. Magic > Science
  13. I think having a professional do it is my only real option, but it won't stop me from attempting it.
  14. When I see a story and it is written by someone called Sykowolf, I have to read it, lol. Nice work, keep it up!
  15. Solve this riddle: In hell there were 12 souls seated around a table with a feast set before them. The only catch was they could not use their hands to eat and they were given spoons ten feet long. These souls were starving. In Heaven there were 12 souls seated around a table with the same feast set before them with the same conditions. However, these 12 souls were fat and merry, laughing with joy........Why?
  16. Either create the Staff of Magnus from Skyrim or pay a professional to do it. Thoughts or opinions?
  17. Fact - He is equally superior to me. He deserves respect.
  18. Exactly how much knowledge do I possess....? *my location should give a hint*
  19. Do you agree that this thread is actually a good source of knowledge for members who know too little? Unlike us superior members.
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