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Vinyl Scratch

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Everything posted by Vinyl Scratch

  1. No, but Mother Russia has many Genies. Have you ever been to Mother Russia and done the Russian Dance in public?
  2. You neglected to add a "WYR". WYR Be captured by Mother Russia and forced to blend into their society and learn Russian or Die fighting them to stay where you are? Only two options.
  3. NO! I'm not going to let a couple of trolls tear me from my friends! I must hold my ground for You guys and Mother Russia! Besides, like ZB said, who will post ponies in the shoutbox. For future references, I'll never post another Leaving thread again, cause I'm here to stay FOREVER no matter what. Let it be trolls or lag, I shall make this my internet home. *salutes Mother Russia*
  4. Sbiten! (Mother Russia's National Beverage)
  5. If you want to know ask Spectral Jester he might know by now
  6. I won't be back, I'm only going to check my pms once in a while but not often, if this thing is cleared up, if she is willing cause she has me added on xbox live, tell Ms. Mystic to send me a message telling me I can come back. Good day.
  7. Pics or not going to happen on God's green earth.
  8. I've noticed a lot of threads concerning the new Skyrim: Dawnguard update, so I though I would post this for people who didn't know it existed. This website has all the information on Dawnguard and the rest of Skyrim on it. Even even tells you what bugs to expect. (may not have bugs in the Dawnguard section considering it just came out). But I thought I would just post this for those who were lost. It may not have much information but it would be the fastest updated "guide" for anyone. So expect really soon for it to have better details, but everything else about Skyrim, it has COMPLETE data on it. http://elderscrolls....ls_V:_Dawnguard Keep dancing, Twilight Sparkle
  9. Nice shout out post! ..... but you're still inferior
  10. Clarification - The two only ways to get "big" on xboxlive is by kicking everyone's flank and winning an actual tournament that gives you an actual title in the gaming community..... or by making the biggest fail of a loss like having your two enemy leaders face off 1v1 and the most kills win and you're neck and neck and then next time you spawn your leader is killed by a random throwing knife from across the map. I totally see what "big" you're going to be with that kind of team structure. You might as well put the controller down and run into the middle of the highway screaming "FRIIIIIEEEED CHICKEN!!!", but you're eating a pickle. At least come up with some strategy before you start recruiting. This attempt will be amusing.... BUT you may prove us wrong and you may become a big fancy MLG team. If so good for you and you'll have a story to tell. Don't ever give up hope cause you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.
  11. The reason I didn't answer is because IDK, but I felt I should say something positive. So SOOORRY! Jk, but seriously, Dawnguard came out?
  12. No doubt a lot of games have questionable content, just look at GTA (I hate that game), but you're right, a lot of good influence can be created just as some games create bad influence. They also, don't want to get sued or offend anyone, cause then no one would buy the game. They are trying to be really delicate about that stuff. I do see where you're coming from though and good points.
  13. My top favorite words are - Twilight Sparkle, Dragon, Domination, Russian, fire
  14. Too many people get away with high ranks and stuff, cause the game is easy and requires no skill, BUT I'm not interested in that, as long as I can have fun, it's good with me.
  15. Same here, gtg to bed now, but I'll finish it in the morning. BTW, skill is nothing, who cares about video game skill? Play it to have fun with your friends. Save skill for reality.
  16. Wait... can't someone just say they are a teen and still enter?
  17. Some of you may have heard this song from your early childhood. Now its been ponified and its hilarious and cute. http://piggybank12.d...ation-298777439
  18. How many of you guys play world of warcraft? I'm fairly new, so I'm trying to add friends and I know you guys are my best friends so I thought I'd ask you. Do you guys play and what is your character name so I can add you. My name is Twilightpony and I'm a draenei.
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