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Vinyl Scratch

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Everything posted by Vinyl Scratch

  1. The Mantis is a work of art. So I must disagree with you. However, I have tested Scorpian vs. Mantis and on most occasions, the Mantis won due it's agility.
  2. As far as I know, there was no "small" halo game. Each one has been a big deal at some point. Halo Wars was even a pretty big hit for a while. Long live Halo.

  3. My likes have sat at 149 just barely 150. The likes are mocking me. WILL THE MADNESS EVER END!?

  4. I felt it was well worth the $20. I was amazed by the graphics and the story line. I definitely recommend it to anyone, even if you're not a fan of the series. FWY - My favorite part was when the Necromancer appears to the brown wizard. (Wasn't actiony there, but it was very eerie.)
  5. Unfortunately I was detained and wasn't able to "make any marks" this month to earn a place. Anyways, congratulations to the winners.
  6. I like your post, unfortunately it will not get through the thick minds of the wall of ignorance you are referring to.
  7. The path of the solider or warrior is an honorable career. I believe we should be more of a military race if you ask me. High ranking jobs should require some form of military service.
  8. Cutting all ties to everything brony or MLP related.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Durandal v2
    3. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      I am displaying no negative attitude, yoshi, I simply have resigned from my previous views on the matter.

    4. Yoshi1176


      I was not talking about the first part but excuse me for my attitude im just... i dont know

  9. Arrives after long while.... is very disappointed with recent events....

  10. Best Song Ever....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Minuette
    3. Harbinger
    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      հերետիկոս, դուք բերում մեծ ամոթ upibn այս ֆորումները!

  11. I'm back everyone! I was absent for a while due to internet difficulties. Glad to see everyone survived 2012. XD

    1. ZB-85


      Welcome Back Vinyl Scratch.

    2. Vinyl Scratch
  12. Back ervyone, was absent because of internet problems. Glad to see everyone is still here from 2012. XD

  13. Here we go, brace yourselves...... 12/12/12

    1. Azaxx


      ....not end of the world mate :P

    2. Christian.


      Yeah not until 12/21 JK.

  14. Do you have a good headset like turtles beach? If not I'd ask for those.
  15. I would send them to the pound for half brute-half jackal mutated puppies. You are silently creeping through your house after hearing an abnormal sound. You get to the kitchen and turn on the lights only to find Charlie Sheen, with his mouth full, hunched over the remnants of the last Twinkies you would have ever have had. What do you do?
  16. I love HALO, especially that it has made me go MLG. (not bragging) Although I wasn't impressed too much with Spartan Ops. Not enough dynamic emotion in it. Also, the fact that I think you'll have to pay for episodes sometime in the future sets me off too. Thinking I should challenge Mr. Biggles to a game soon.....
  17. Yes, they steal your socks out of the dryer.
  18. Seems like no one is in the Christmas mood? ok....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harbinger


      Christmas has been slowly dying for me and it just now snowed. Hope Christmas gets more Chrismasyier.

    3. Fishy


      Haha. 2012 has everyone down.. lol

    4. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      Yeah it is near Christmas and I have had no snow -_-

  19. Merry Christmas to everyone just in case I'm not on. I love what you guys did with the Title decor.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Yeah, I don't understand why atheists follow Christmas, since it's an entirely Christian based holiday.

    3. Minuette



    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      @Fishy You would be surprised that 80% of people in america claim to be a form of protestant. The remaining 20% are composed of other religions.

  20. I agree, at least the parents have a life now though.
  21. Screw the Nether

    1. Minuette


      I never liked the yogscast

    2. Spyro


      Martyn for the win!

  22. Team Snipers is overrated. Real snipers play swat.
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