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Everything posted by Spartan322

  1. Sorry there was a problem so i had to post it three times Hey remember that map where you could open the door/gate in halo 3 but couldn't close it what was it called anyway why not add some more interactable items and features like turning energy bridges on AND off maybe as an forge-able item or something also same with giant gates and other interactables ect. like wires to connect things like bridges and gates to controllers or make them wireless and you can or you could move them from each other. Any one else want this. This would be epic. Am i the only one. Cool huh
  2. Hey remember that map where you could open the door/gate in halo 3 but couldn't close it what was it called anyway why not add some more interactable items and features like turning energy bridges on AND off maybe as an forge-able item or something also same with giant gates and other interactables ect. like wires to connect things like bridges and gates to controllers or make them wireless and you can or you could move them from each other. Any one else want this. This would be epic. Am i the only one. Cool huh
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