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Everything posted by Lazmarr

  1. I could be your writer, although it does depend on what I would be writing. In addition, what would I need to show you to prove that I am a good writer?
  2. I've got already got Eragon, I'm actually in the middle of reading it.
  3. I'm actually planning on buying The Game of Thrones series
  4. What the title says, Anyone know of any good Fantasy / Romance novels?
  5. Both hoodies are Devil may cry. Can't decide which one to get, what would you pick Ebony & Ivory Devil Never Cry
  6. " Features:- * Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps. * Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity. * Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users. * Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings. * Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints. * Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips. * Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map. * Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What’s New. * Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area. Fixes:- * Fix for the leaderboard crash when toggling between filters/leaderboards. * Fix for server disconnect message appearing when offline or in leaderboards. * Fix for issue where posting a screenshot to Facebook caused a back out to the main menu. * Fix for clay generation. * Fix for ‘Awaiting Approval’ showing all the time on some signs. * Various crafting menu fixes. * Fix for being able to stand on sugarcane. * Fix for intermittent crash on saving. * Fix for duplication bug with the furnace. * Fix for not being able to place water near the spawn area. * Fix for intermittent problem on entering the Nether putting the player above the Nether world. * Fix for frame-rate drop around the edge of the world. * Fix for intermittent problem where some achievements were not being awarded. * Fix for graphical issue with stairs. * Fix for issue with enemies spawning inside a house when they shouldn’t. * Fix for Zombie Pigmen not being counted for leaderboard scores. " Source XBLAfans
  7. " Dawnguard's story focuses on Harkon, a vampire lord trying to use and Elder Scroll to blot out the sun. The DLC adds conversations about vampire hunters to the game, which opens up the option to either join Harkon's vampire uprising or allign yourself with the slayers and kill the sucker. Joining the vampire has some appealing perks such as becoming a flying vampire lord, which functions much like being a werewolf and gets you a power called Vampiric Grip that suspends enemies in the air while draining their health. You can also turn into a cloud of bats. Don't get too excited though, being a vampire will get you attacked on sight, so you'll have to keep switching to your human form. Joining the Dawnguard will net you a few new weapons including the crossbow. These are always primed to fire and can stagger targets, the downside is that they take much longer than the standard bow to reload. You can also hire armored trolls as followers. Finally, a new shout called Soul Tear lets you steal a soul and raise the victim as an undead companion. New perks for both vampires AND werewolves Vampires - Perk tree Power of the Grave - 50 point bonus to health, magicka and stamina as a Vampire Lord. Detect All Creatures - Requirement: Power of the Grave Mist Form - Turn yourself into an invulnerable cloud of mist while regenerating your health, magicka, and stamina. Requirement: Detect All Creatures Supernatural Reflexes -You move quicker, while enemies move slower. Requirement: Mist Form Blood Healing - Killing a person with a power attack bite restores all your health. Requirement: Power of the Grave Unearthly Will - ***ht powers and Blood Magic cost 33% less. Requirement: Power of the Grave Poison Talons - Melee attacks deal 20 points of poison damage. Requirement: Unearthly Will/Blood Healing Night Cloak - A shroud of bats feed on enemies within melee range. Requirement: Poison Talons Vampiric Grip - Blood Magic: Can pull a creature to you from a distance, and do choking damage once it's close. Requirement: Power of the Grave Summon Gargoyle - Summons a Gargoyle. Requirement: Vampiric Grip Corpse Curse - Paralyze your foes with this magical blast. Requirement: Summon Gargoyle Werewolves - Perk tree Bestial Strength - Do 25% more damage as a werewolf. Totem of Ice Brothers Totem of the Predator Totem of Terror - Werewolf Howl of Terror affects even higher level creatures. Totem of the Moon - Summon an ally werewolf with a howl. Animal Vigor - 100 point bonus to health and stamina in beast form. Gorging - Feeding heals twice as much health. " Source Computer and video games
  8. B, C, A, Darkest to lightest. Fluttershy is best pony :3
  9. Forerunners cannot be human, as when a species evolves, it's DNA changes, therefore Forerunners are not human.
  10. No, that is a photo of Spectral Jester. xD
  11. Hope you get everything sorted out and that you come back. Goodbye.
  12. Black Ops 2 looked good, better than any of Modern Warfare rubbish. I enjoyed what I watched of E3, I wouldn't really call any of it disappointment, I enjoyed everything about it except the damn sports xD
  13. 1 I34|\| M4sT3r Ch13f S117 4 I331|\| 4 5P34|<3|2 0F 1337 I ban M4sT3r Ch13f S117 for being a speaker of 1337 (leet)
  14. It's a vector image, it doesn't have a background.
  15. There seems to be a resemblance. Sorry for the bad picture. All the others were 'inappropriate'.
  16. I think the first games I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Megadrive II, also Streets of Rage and Golden Axe xD
  17. Sorry for double post, here's a trailer of the headset if you don't want to watch that other video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Uj8jX0CGxZg
  18. Look at theorix up at the top there, bet he's been making fake accounts and spam voting himself. (Joking xD) But seriously, theorix yours is great, but I like Twilight Sparkles better it's allot simpler, and looks cleaner.
  19. I recommend the Tritton detonator headset, or any of the Tritton headsets (not the AX headsets, they are the old series). I have the Tritton detonator, and it is the best headset I have gotten. I forgot to mention, my brother has the x12's, although they are good, I find that the detonators are the best for the price, as they have the features that you desire. Features of the headset http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qLbDwUTMjI
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