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Everything posted by Gamerteam

  1. The answer is no.it doesn't prove it. But it does tell us a possibility .how? Because it shows us clearly ensemble isn't stopping. HOW ENSEMBLE STUDIOS BEGAN(kinda) Ensemble was like 343. Mainly the same .just 343 got bigger.343 started by fans or old bungie workers and Ensemble workers who thought it was a fail (2 %).they both knew Bungie would stop making halo because of lack of support from Microsft with its 10 year promise to bungie to help with halo.(ended 2011) so it was a race to see you get it a game done first. " to suit was like that at first back in 2007" Says lead audio designer of halo wars."soon like a day or two of thinking we thought no we must take time with this" Again says lead audio designer. So at first in 2007 the where thinking for a long time finally thinking RTS(real time stragety) game. At first they where pooping with excitemitment to start to finish couldn't stop thinking about it. it was good news theygot help from microsoft. Then it really started.But soon after many die hard halo players reviewed saying it was bad about five months after. that didn't stop it though.But money did. They where giing to add many DLCs to halo wars some with campaign.They had spent to much. Soon people saw a better chance 343 and bungie and scrammend.So just because Ensemble closed down doesn't mean halo wars was gone. Some day they may re open.(see thread 4) HOW HISTORIC BATTLE PROVES THEY WON'T STOP Not only was it halos first DLC but also the first proof they didn't quit which many people thought.This proves just because they stooped talking or making stuff doesn't mean they are stopped. But for know they reamain dormant for some reason it's because they contract ended which bungie was so impressed with the sales(8.8 million) and getting such high ratings by IGN, Machinimia,and Xbox magazine. So they shared the deal. 8.8 million is like a big blank sandbox that's infinite. they could fit about 10 campaigns with that! But there obvisouly not. Which means we can't exPect things such a mission that's RTS and one that's FPS. Because there's many missions in halo wars alone that felt hard because you couldnt see or there where sneaky enemies .Such as the third mission or some cuts scenes that where cool like when spartan 145,326,741 ran at a bunch of elites and kick them flipping them and shooting them. Or how about that first cutscene in the destroyed city? We also could excpect the maximum trooper setting to go away.So they aren't dormant probably just building good graphics or making awesome vehicles. HOW TO REALLY PROTEST FOR HALO WARS 2 IF IT'S NOT HAPPENING People protest for halo wars 2 on this ite way too much that no one even cares at all! Intact it's annoying so how qvout go on YouTube,Facebook,twitter,google+and others you can spread it around fast!my website will be going up with a. Section labeled forums if I can entertain enough people on YouTube to go then it will also be easy to spread like butter. HALO WARS NEWS & UPDATES SHOW I'll start a news and updates show on YouTube which I will anaylais here. So I'll needed your help by giving me leaks and ideas.I also need some recommendations on what to do next.if you have any questions contact me on my channel (Gamerteamguy) at. YouTube.com Next threads: Possible vehicles and guns New enimies and map editor leak
  2. finally all my early unexpected house bills paid finally just finally

    1. CandiBunni


      What's a 16 year old doing paying house bills? That's a job for your parents.

    2. Gamerteam


      I'm actaully 30 I put wrong birth data in


  3. What do you think about the new graphics if you look on the news bar you will see a pic were you see the first campaign gameplay. to me it's thecoolest graphic s ever. Not realist but most defiantly sci-fi epicness
  4. Can I have one with a spartan kicking a puppy saying I'm sorry with a soeech bubble!!!!?????????? Thanks!!!!
  5. Thanks I love any news about the most biggest most epiclly awesomely awesome spartan ops Rating five stars
  6. Worst topic ever halo 2 was thaw less
  7. Did you know that the moa got on reach when a asteroid hit earth and a moa rested its head on it and the DNA traveled with the asteroid to reach
  8. They need one for every halo even if it stinks which none do .
  9. I feel like I kicked a puppy.

  10. It will start in the summer I need leaks though there's not much
  11. It should say in rules no saying COD immedate ban.
  12. Wow just wow fire that's ver very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very AWESOM e topic thanks
  13. TURTELE BEACHES are awesomely awesome
  14. I got ur and red gem now time for white

  15. I got ur and red gem now time for white

  16. Gamerteam

    Avatar Awards

    Flood carrier suit!!!! D
  17. I've looked through and through halo wars was good many shooter fans hated it it.but if your halo fan you loved it. I will make news and update vids on YouTube .I think they will make a remake for all of them. So let's get started Have a nice day gamers!!!!!!
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