With the infintys mission to train and simulate actual battle ground we will go over game informer and more of the new halo 4 infinity experience
Many of you know that we will have armor abilities on top sensor medals on top of that with 4 gernade (unlock able possibly) with the amma and weapon there. With these type of zoom scopes
DMR : square with circle
Sniper: square with circle
Assault rifle:rectangle with square with circle
These with nonzoomable weapons
Br: circle ( both zoom and non)
these are the confirmed
Assault rifle,DMR ,BR,sniper rifle , assault carbine, needler, plasma pistol,etc
Thsr are good weapons but some are leaked.
Spartan laser looking thing
Precursor weapon rifle
Armor abilities
A default armor ability that enables you to run even faster than an
Previous halo games
Camouflage :
The most nastalgiac ability that allows to be unseen
And be a noob
Forerunner vision: Allwos you to see through walls and but not see pèople like in
Cod with hacker pro. Heard when using
A forerunner supply dock. One team an orbtàl laser side other on supply crate shipping yard side. Asymetrical with maybe three levels
A Spaceship in space with an asteroid belt and a cyclos being built in the middle. Not none much about symmetrical.
Load outs
With custom set load ours from 343 who can choose and with BR if you want