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Everything posted by Shard0001

  1. As you play Halo 4 there are system updates every so often, unfortunately you can't system link to another system that's updated farther than your own. I have to take my system to someone else's home to update and get downloads (roughly 30 minutes one way). Some friends do play regularly on-line and so I have to update before we get together. So now I went from a very hard earned off-line experience of SR 75 to SR 1 (sorry, little frustrated)
  2. I recently updated my Halo 4 programming and when I did it wiped all of the off-line profiles on my system to SR1. I can't play online so I system link with friends when I can. I would like to know if anyone knows a way to restore that experience.
  3. I seriously doubt an additional species will appear for multiplayer mainly because it takes place on a holodeck. The more I read on this subject the more sense elites make in multiplayer. One this takes place at least 3 years after Halo 3 and both sides miitary forces were drastically reduced a joint force would be the most likely way to remedy that and to promote cooperation between the 2 species so anouther war didn't break out. We are dealing with a brand new spartan series in the training stages on board ship. That asside I liked the Reach elites I just believe Bungie didn't go far enough. Spartans and Elites being built up modifed and competing to see who the baddest of all.
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