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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. Huh, hard to believe it's been over 4 years now.

  2. Huh, hard to believe it's been over 4 years now.

  3. Okay...so I thought I'd go ahead and make this into a proper thread, this is obviously an announcement about the United States of the Forum (USF) which is something I've been doing since about a month after I joined the site nearly 4 years ago. Well, sad to say it, but it has to be postponed indefinitely. I wish I could have the time needed to devote to doing the USF as I used to and that I could guarantee it going smoothly, but I currently don't have the time to do so. Maybe the June circuit can happen, yay! Just an announcement though, here's hoping June's happens though!
  4. Just checking in and letting everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking. I've been raging at the current meta in the card games that I play. It's annoying.

    1. Delpen9


      Oath of the Gtewatch is a high power set.

  5. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

    1. Delpen9


      Merry Christmas Purple Birdy Bird!

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      May Ajani Mentor of Heroes guide you this day!

  6. I'm the sexiest dragon of them all, and you know it.

  7. So...there have been so few status updates that status updates from two days ago are still on the list of new ones.

  8. Consecutive normal punches!

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      wanpanman is great

  9. Seeing all these status updates about how they've already completed the Halo 5 Campaign...it has me worried that it's not as long as 343i implied...

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      I completed the campaign and I don't even have an xbone.

    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Its 15 missions yes, but are the missions themselves long? Nah not really

  10. Another one's down.

    1. Wam


      Another one bites the dust.

  11. That moment when you commit yourself to spending hours farming strikes and using 3OCs until you get a 310 4th Horseman...and you get it off of the first strike.

  12. Alright, to start, I'd like to apologize for the delay on getting this out, and on my lack of doing really anything for this election. My personal life has been getting in the way of being active on the forum. Okay, with that out of the way, time for the voting of your candidates. You may be asking "where's the pre-poll at?" and to answer that...there isn't one this time. We're kicking it OG this time. Only the final votes with the candidates. So for those who don't know yet...here are the rules for THIS thread. ​No advertising, telling people to vote for a certain member, or harassing other members. Period. The punishment for doing any of it is the same as if you broke any other rule involved in the election process.* VOTE!!! *See USF nomination thread for punishment details. Voting ends on October 8th at 12 AM CST
  13. I...need an adult?

    1. Wam


      Show me on the doll where Delpen's sense of humour touched you.

    2. rrhuntington


      I am in adult


  14. NOTE: THIS IS PURELY FOR FUN AND IS IN NO WAY OFFICIAL, YOU GAIN NO "REAL" POWER BY WINNING. NOT OFFICIAL, ONLY FUN. Okay everyone, it's about that time again. What time? Well I'm glad that at least one person asked. It's time for me to start up the United States of the Forum Presidential Elections (USFPE) again! *cue cheering* So a quick rundown for the newbies out there: Every four months I pit members who you select against each other to see who is worthy to be your "leader" and the representative of the non-staff mass on the forum. There are rules and other such things that must be followed and such as all other things on the forum, and I like to operate this as independent of the Moderators and staff as possible as it is unofficial, though some do help out from time to time. The main idea of this is to get nominated and then voted into office, or nominate someone else and try to get them into the position instead, if being a president just isn't your style. Either way, it's meant for fun, not to be taken seriously. :3 Now, before the rules, I'd like EVERYONE to remember to take a good long look at this thread for me. THIS ONE: http://343i.org/2xz Now that you've remembered, or learned, let's try to avoid that this time, shall we? Okay, the rules. RULES: 0. You cannot nominate yourself. 1. You may only nominate ONE member. 2. Once you nominate a member, you can't change your nomination unless that person decides to drop out of the running, so think before you nominate. *So don't just go and edit your post after I see that you nominated* 3. No nominating anyone who already has enough nominations to qualify to run. *2 is all it takes to qualify* 4. You are NOT allowed to advertise in this thread in any way. If you advertise it will be reported as breaking the basic rules of this thread. 5. You cannot nominate a Moderator for president, unless they were previously a president. (Drizzy_Dan, The Director, Azaxx) 6. All presidents who have served a term are entitled to a second term if they are voted into it. 6. A president can only serve two terms. 7. READ ALL OF THE POSTS BEFORE YOU MAKE A NOMINATION. 8. Each nominee is allowed a campaign manager if someone so volunteers for the position. 9. Don't spam this thread with unnecessary arguing over nominees. 10. Do NOT attack other nominees or supporters of other nominees. 11. Try to have some fun. :3 The rules are to be interpreted, and can be changed at any time, by me. Any "punishment" for breaking these said rules, are solely up to me unless a moderator must step in. If you break rule 10, it is an instant ban from any participation in any future elections should I choose to continue them. For any questions, PM me. Nominees: Halo 5 Follower Sub-Zero Melody Wam
  15. Forgot to mention yesterday, but back in town. Also, I'm angry at Bungie for wiping my vault of my exotic weapons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m



    3. Azaxx


      First person I've heard who had that happen to

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Welcome back mate!! And damn, that really sucks! Pitchforks?

  16. Skipping town for a couple of days, be back when I'm back.

    1. Melody


      See ya soon Spyro. :)

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Hope to see you soon buddy.

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      :( Have a great one mate, catch you soon.
  17. Point of fact: The forum is powered solely on Drizzy_Dan's kindness. When the forum goes out, those are his few and far between moments of absolute rage in which no one in his path survives.

  18. This is my horse, my horse is amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      It tastes like raisins

    3. rrhuntington


      By the Stroke of it's mane, it turns into a plane.

    4. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      And then it turns back again when you...

  19. 26 days.

    1. Ash


      I'm guessing either TTK or the ESO expansion?

  20. Another one lost.

    1. Wam


      rip in pizza an-toe-knee 1023-1990

  21. I wanted to lock my status update to make it look official and important.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Hijacking this status

    3. Spyro


      You guys posting just makes it look even more official.

    4. The Director

      The Director


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