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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. You got it right! Who is Beedrill? (Insignia)
  2. Be poor and always have a friend at my side. WYR, ban Silvi i Be for trolling, or for not following the rules of this thread?
  3. $1,000,000 in pennies, I'll just go to the bank and exchange them. WYR play Skyrim or Oblivion?
  4. Wrong again Beedrill! I choose Cupman!
  5. Nope, I say, hmmm... Beedrill! (Insignia)
  6. I'll help, I'm always looking for people to forge with me already. So I guess I'll message you. To anyone else who wants to forge random stuff with me, my GT is on my profile.
  7. If you're afraid of change then you should be afraid of yourself, for you change every second of every day.

  8. If you're afraid of change then you should be afraid of yourself, for you change every second of every day.

  9. I wish people would shut up about the ranking system in Halo 4.

    1. DaveAtStateFarm


      Agreed, just play the darn game

  10. Potatos are actually flowers.
  11. I am royally screwed.

  12. I ban Red Death because I'm king and I can do that.
  13. I ban Red Death because he said my reason for banning him was stupid.
  14. I ban Bobo Magroto because he's an aussie like Azaxx but he isn't cool like Azaxx.
  15. Obscure the sun, I'd have all the power. WYR have a Klondike bar, or Canadian bacon (ham)?
  16. I'm bored and need entertainment.

    1. Azaxx
    2. Spyro


      *starts dying of boredom*

  17. The alphabet

    1. ZB-85



    2. Azaxx


      a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

  18. I'm done with Reach's match making for a while. I'm getting tired of these stacked games.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      I was playing SWAT yesterday and I had 2 Forerunners on my team, I thought we were going to win but both forerunners got only around 7 kills and around 14 deaths each.

    3. The Director

      The Director

      lol I got you guys beat. I played Swat the other day and the highest ranking guy on my team (other than me) was a corporal. Not even partied up. Guess what the other team was composed of. Yup, four Inheritors. Also not partied up. So much for even teams. xD

    4. Zaguroth


      Rank doesn't determine skill though..

  19. I like pie.....

  20. *Gets up and starts slow clap* :clap: :clap:
  21. You see this face? That is the face that I made when I read this. Your ignorance made me make this face.
  22. My body's already red. So I'll mix it up and choose blue. WYR 1v1 Mr. Biggles, or 1v1 GSD?
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