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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. Pick which is the better race.
  2. To the members of the UK, the only thing keeping your country from being nuked is Doctor Who. Remember that when deciding wether or not to make a new season.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spyro


      I'm not even talking about the whole show. I just mean the timelord beats out all the ponies.

    3. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      Hmmm threatening the UK eh? must be something in the rules about that.....

    4. Spyro


      Nope, I checked. And if it gets more Doctor Who, is it really all that bad?

  3. I will not bow! I will not break!

    1. Azaxx


      Yes you will, i will make you...

    2. Spyro
  4. Everybody clap your hands!

    1. Minuette
    2. Spyro


      why not? and I'm still mad, yes.


    3. Azaxx


      No clapping, too much effort

  5. 7 days in the rain, I wouldn't get dehydrated. WYR eat dogfood for a year, or get shot in the knee once?
  6. shouldn't Master chief be above Guilty spark?
  7. for those of you who don't understand, you would have had to been there to understand.
  8. I'm looking at you through the glass.

  9. You know what they say, "there's no such thing as safe science". This idea fits it perfectly. So lets all start throwing science at the wall and see what sticks! Yeah! Who's with me?
  10. It is with great regret that I, DragonMonday, anounce the winner of the United States of the Forums election. The winner is highly qualified, a good friend, and a beloved member of this community. I'm sorry for all that I said during the election. I would also like to congradulate the new first lady. Well here is the new president and first lady of the USF. President: Mr. The Director First Lady: Mr.DirectBiggles
  11. Kindle. I can just get the kindle firebird. it's still a kindle. WYR: listen to 24 hours of none stop Paris Hilton, or a week strait of Justin Beiber.
  12. It's the final countdown!!!

    1. Fire


      doodle doo, doodle doodle doo, duleneh dleuneh nettle netleh neh neh! I'm awful XD

    2. Spyro


      that was awesome Fire!


  13. I'm not a ponie ZB, I'm a dragon. please do not insult me like that again. Adam, watch your tongue or I'm comming after you after I'm done dealing with Azaxx.
  14. Salad? What do you mean Dan?
  15. This thread is for listing those who were close to you but passed on. If they were in the military, you can put their names in the other thread too. Please only put names of those who have died and don't joke around in this thread. I thank you for taking the time to share with us your loss and I hope you feel better. I guess I might as well start us off. I lost my grand father when I was just 2 years old. His name was Junior Craft. I know it's sad to lose someone that you've known and loved for years, but I think that it's sadder when you lose someone you love before you even get the chance to know them. Thank you.
  16. This thread is to honor those who died while at war. If you know of any one who died in the service of their country, please, if it doesn't cause you any pain, please post their names here. We salute you even in death for you are the best of the best.
  17. It's the, eye of the tiger it's the thrill of the fight. I forgot the rest.

    1. Fire


      rising up to the challenge of our rivals!!! and the last know survivor stalks his prey in the night!

    2. DaveAtStateFarm







    3. Spyro


      lol, nice Fire.

  18. Azaxx, I don't care what you say, Elf is mine, I am willing to share her with you as long as you give her back though. No running off and trying to hide her away like a thief. That is all. She is mine not yours and that pretty much sums it all up. Thank you for your time.
  19. If you're confident that you're right for the job, and if you're confident that you're right for the job then you're confident that you'll get enough votes to win, and if you're confident in getting enough votes to win then you're confident that you will win. And going by your own logic, if you're confident that you're gonna win, then you're arrogant. Good day sir!
  20. If you're so confident in you winning then why do you need your own vote? Why not be so confident as to give it to someone else?
  21. Says the selfish man who voted for himself! Elf wasn't selfish and so she voted for someone else! Don't vote selfish! Vote selfless! Vote Elf!
  22. Director was seen spying on Elf while she was in the shower! What kind of president would do that! Don't vote for the perv! Vote for the victim! Vote for Elf!
  23. No! They can't take spartans out of Halo! It wouldn't be Halo!
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