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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. Yay! I'm here mainly to help get 100k posts on the site. but still halo wars 2 would be awesome! whoo!
  2. Stuck a grunt and it ran in the middle of 2 brutes, 5 elites, and a hunter.
  3. It's too late Twilight. If this goes well then I'm gonna do it again some time. You can run then.
  4. if he can't do it Elf sure can!!! :animier: :animier:
  5. I'm putting the winner in another thread. enjoy your presidency.
  6. no, we already know that your a dude.
  7. That was awesome man! Do another! Do another!
  8. over you - Miranda Lambert
  9. a lot of you are missing the point of this.
  10. want to test out a new map but I lag like crazy. if you'd like to help message my gt DragonMonday7.

  11. Guys, this is a thread for you to say who your favorite female is on the site and why. Example: favorite female: Irish_Elf Reason: She is my friend
  12. If anyone posts a joke about this they need to be banned immediately. I wish this could have not happened.
  13. another reason that mudkips are awesome.
  14. what does the name say? that's what this thread is about.
  15. well what would you like to be Biggles? The position for court wizard is still open if you want that. or if you come up with one let me know and I'll add you on. You could also choose to just be one of my country's allies. your choice.
  16. ANNOUNCEMENT: tomorrow will be the last day to nominate anyone. If you have already nominated someone, please keep your mouth shut, it's one nomination per person. The election will be open and in a separate thread in the general discussion area from 12 AM (where I am) June 4th until 12 AM (again, where I am) June 8th. I am leaving it open this long because of the many different time zones of the members of the site. So remember to come and vote......for Irish_Elf!!! (or something bad will happen, not sure what yet, but something bad will happen to someone.)
  17. My girlfriend finally stopped trying to molest me. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      Wait, that isn't what they are supposed to do? o.O

    3. Baby Boo
    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Because I convinced her to start molesting me. *burn*/*trollface*


  18. Fine, but you work for me. Got it? You are now the doctor of the royal family Ask King Brony II, if he says yes, then ok Ok then.
  19. Username: DragonMonday Country: Ireland Keyword: 343 Industries
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