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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. I want to be a moderator and give everyone pizza.

  2. Look Fal' Taralumee I completely agree with you that it's a mistake not putting the elites in the Halo 4 multiplayer. I mean, so many players saw them as nothing more than another skin for your player. I, on the other hand, saw the other things it brought with them. I personally think 343 idustries is making a huge mistake removing them. Look I know this dosn't really mean much to 343, but chances are they've lost a gamer with the choice to remove the elites from multiplayer. I will play the basic campaign, but unless they change their minds and find a way to fit the elites into the Halo 4 multiplayer, I am staying far away from it. If you read, this just remember that the elites brought with them a huge community of gamers, and they may just leave with them too.
  3. Personally I think this takes that feeling of finding a powerhouse weapon on the map away. If this is true I will miss that feeling very much.
  4. I want pie.....

  5. i actually cried..... your a great fan :unworthy:
  6. If they were to hide beta codes in snickers, I would get really fat, really fast trying to find one.
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