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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. Okay ladies, gents, AI, Pokemon, Aliens, Predators, and other miscellaneous sentient life forms that I neglected to list, It's time for that final poll to decide the...(what number are we on again?) 10th USF President! Okay though, now before you go voting or complaining or anything like that. To avoid undue confusion and the such, I'd like to ask that you only vote once, and that it's for the person that you choose to vote for. I understand that I can't enforce this, and I won't try to for it is your right as a member to change your mind, I just ask that you consider and try to vote as few times, so one if possible, times as possible. Also, on a side note: Since Melody has temporarily left the forum, she is out of the running and Yoshi, as the runner up, will take her place against AnimeAddict. May the better sentient life-form win! Oh yeah... The Rules: (thought I forgotten these, didn't you?) 1. No trash talking or relatively unsavory language in this thread. 2. NO, ABSOLUTELY NO, ADVERTISING OF ANY KIND IN THIS THREAD FOR EITHER CANDIDATE. 3. Have fun kiddos. Voting ends February 6th, 12 AM CST.
  2. If you're not from the United States of America and you have frozen waffles in your country, please let me know.

  3. I meant to take out the USF specifics and make this a forum policy.
  4. In all honestly, I'd love for this policy to stay active after the election too, a little seven day ban after being abusive towards someone never hurt anyone.
  5. Had you read, you would have known that you couldn't withdraw it after he had two. So no, he's in the running.
  6. Time to vote on who you want to actually vote for in the real voting poll. This is to trim the fat, so to speak. So just vote who you'd normally vote for in the actual election. NOTE: You don't actually HAVE to vote for who you nominated. ALSO: No advertisements in this thread.
  7. I just did the unspeakable, I broke the unspoken rule, I have set myself off to be killed, or worse, banned.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      All for reporting a mod's post?

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Your punishment is to carry out the rest of the election

    3. Caboose The Ace
  8. And with that, we have the final list. Now for Step 2 of three.
  9. I'm sorry, but could you help me to understand this better? Is it when you press be to continue it sends you out of the lobby, or are you pressing a different button, such as the A button, and it is sending you out of the lobby? If it is the latter, then it is just a matter of convenience, and not to be rude as I have no intention of it, you can just be a little more careful about what button you push and you won't be kicked out of the lobby.
  10. NOTE: This is for fun and nothing else, not at all official, nothing but fun. Hello people, pokemon, AI, and other sentient beings of the Forum. Today is a special day, as it marks the return of my personal favorite pass time, the USF Presidential election!!! For you first timers out there, as I have seen a lot of new faces on the forum in my random pop-ins, I'll give a brief explanation. The United States of the Forum, or USF for short, Presidential election is when I pit respective members of the community in a bloody dea-when you, the members, nominate and vote on who you want your next president to be. I try to do this every 4 months, as sad as I am for it, I was unable to do so after the last cycle, so anarchy has ensued, and Azaxx has killed droves of lifeforms. Anyway, enough about the past, let's focus on the present, and with that, the rules. Note: The rules are defined as followed but ultimately I make the final call on it so they are in the end interpreted by me and if you think there's a loophole, there's probably not or is, I don't know. THE RULES: 1. Each member can only nominate one member, once a nomination has been cast, you cannot withdraw it. 2. A member cannot nominate themselves for presidency. 3. A president has the right to run for a second term provided they are nominated. 4. A member must have two nominations to run in the election. 5. A nominee may drop out of the running at any time after gaining the required nominations, the nominee may rejoin the running at any time before the final vote. 6. Moderators are not allowed to run for president, so kindly don't try to nominate them. (with the exceptions of Azaxx, Dan, BeckoningZebra1, and The Director as former presidents) 7. Absolutely all advertisements of any kind for a nominee is strictly prohibited from the main thread. (This one) 8. Don't be a jerk, even jokingly. It's offensive and hurtful. If you are, you will be barred from future elections and this one. 9. All candidates have the right to a manager and to campaign in a thread in the offbeats section of the forum. 10. Read ALL posts made before making on yourself, this helps prevent excess nominating and general possibility of spam. 11. Kindly have fun over the course of this election. List of Candidates: Bnus D38Boss Yoshi1176 Melody Axilus Prime Anime Addict Jack of Harts Tony Stark Nomination time ends on January 28th.
  11. So...sitting here thinking, and would anyone actually get involved if I rebooted the election? I missed the last cycle because of things that were going on personally IRL, but if no one really enjoys it then I see no reason to continue. So, a comment if yes or a message or something if you want me to continue it. Gonna have to start it in the next two days if it happens. :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      just do it already, you know people love the elections

    4. Zelda


      Wasn't I used as bait once? Lol

  12. So, does anyone else think that the staff should do a play through of the entire MCC and put it on the youtube channel, or is that just me?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RedStarRocket91


      Stay tuned once the next patch is out ;)

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Assuming they take half an hour for every campaign mission, that's basically a days worth of content of watching other people shoot AI over and over.


      Is it cool? In theory. But I would probably be bored an hour in and I don't even have time to watch for an hour :/


      But good luck


    4. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      That's where commentary comes in. I tend to have some of the deepest discussions while playing games and regret not recording it later on.

  13. So just do what you already have an option of doing if you get enough votes in the matchmaking lobby of Halo 4. Just instead all matches be like that? Or am I misunderstanding? And as to what I want? I still want what I've wanted since Halo: CE. To duel wield a jackal shield and an energy sword. That's really all I want.
  14. Someone trade me a Baneslayer Angel for a Heroes Bane. .-.

  15. I would like to see it return as well, though Yang has already beaten me to all the major points that are wrong with the Mantis as is. So...that's kinda all I can say, I'd like it back. xD
  16. I'm not nearly as active now a days, but when I'm on, I'll do my part to look out for them.
  17. Hello people and pokemon and other miscellaneous creatures and AI.

  18. So...it's happened yet again...two instead of one. This forum really needs to learn to make it's mind up.... Anyway, BZ and Vitamin really did some good as presidents...I think. But anyway. Now it's time to give them the boot and replace them. Both of them. Instead of some lionbait and a capsule, we now have...um...am I reading this correctly? Yup. A green dinosaur (Yoshi1176) and a naturally occuring disaster in humanoid form (Maestro)? Oh well they'll be amazing presidents none the less. Can they what BZ and Vitamin did though? I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Now for something that hasn't happened in a while. The oath of officey thing. Just put in with your name Yoshi, Maestro. Each of you must do this now. I, (Insert name), do solemnly affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the forums according to law and faithfully execute the Office of President of the United Forums. So help me Twam!!!!!
  19. I'm sick of all the mopey long winded goodbyes here, no offense guys. Everyone's acting like you're gone forever, and you know what? YOU'RE NOT! That's right JL, I'm calling you out. You're not gone forever. You may hate my guts, but dammit you're my friend and your butt is coming back here to stay one day. You're not gone for good. Be it days, weeks, months, or even years, you will eventually come back as a full time member again. You have no choice. It's what you agreed to when you became my friend. For the record, no, this does not apply to every member. JL is special like this. :3 Anyway, talk to you when you return a full time member or in the PMs then.
  20. lol, yeah. I thought of that the moment I turned off my laptop last night, but didn't want to turn it back on so I just went to sleep. xD
  21. Well. It's that time. I'm just gonna make this short and sweet. No spamming, no telling people who to vote for, and no campaigning in any way by anyone. Including the voters advertising. May the best man, dinosaur...naturally occurring disaster...(?) win! Edit: Note: Voting ends Sunday at 7 PM CST.
  22. Thanks for the help BZ. I enjoyed every second of reading each of the interviews, and I think I finally have my vote aimed at a certain member.
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