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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. It's sad to see a senior member being so rude to a new guy. I hope your attitude changes, because we're a community that helps others and offers opinions, not one that tells them to get lost and keep their problems to themselves.
  2. So...I'm a bit tired, but at the same time, I'm so wide awake. Thinking about watching random anime.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGodfatherS117
    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      listen to JL watch Gurren Lagann, it's the manliest anime ever

    4. Spyro


      lol, watched it over a year ago Kamina. ;)

  3. Well guys, you know what this means. His name is now "Big Daddy". Let's all remember that now.
  4. I'm not normally one to post in this specific area of the forum, but you deserve a proper goodbye. I didn't know you well enough to call you a close friend, but you were a good member. The forum will get a bit worse soon, but then, like always, things will get even better than before. We will likely gain a few more Moderators, and probably more other staff members too. But yes, you're right. The lies ruin everything, but sadly no amount of moderators will stop people from lying, it's human nature to get people to like you no matter what. Anyway, you'll be back one day, whether it's in a week, or a few months, you'll be back, and the forum will be slightly better for it because we'll have a truly great member return to us once more, hopefully for a long time to come after that. So no, I won't say goodbye, instead let me say something else: See you next time. -Dragon
  5. So when do I get my cookies that I was promised?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Here's even more! *Throws more cookies*

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Where they gone !



      The cookie monster strikes again !



      Du Du Du DU

  6. I'm getting really tired of the black screen from all the damn lag on the 360 nowadays.

  7. Am I the only one who's really hoping that the member in the suit is someone like Jester, AD, or Vitamin PWN gone bad at some point for some god known reason?
  8. I can make no promises other than to try and make it out there. GT: DragonMonday7
  9. It's okay everyone! You can all calm down! I'm still alive! :D

  10. I'ma update my status now. :3

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      nice, i cant wait to comment on it

    2. Zelda
    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I'm gonna comment now.

  11. So, yeah. Go support your new presidents because your true overlord commands it of you. If you're smart, you'll know who I mean.

  12. Azaxx's reign of terror is finally at an end, and to take his place... well no one member could ever do that, so I won't even go into it. So instead, we have something else because one just wouldn't be enough. Yep, that's right, it's happened again. For only the second time ever, we've swapped one for two! Vitamin PWN, Beckoningzebra1, you guys are now the forum presidents, you two were bitter adversaries, so I was surprised when you chose to share power myself, but now looking at you two, I'm sure you'll be a much better team than Elf (Zelda) and Vplus were. Though they were good, they hardly did anything at all towards the good of the forum. Anyway, this is long enough I suppose, considering that most members don't like reading a lot. Anyway, congrats to Vitamin PWN and Beckoningzebra1! May you kill each other while in office!
  13. So, after some thinking, I've realized that I don't actually want to be president, not now at least. I enjoy running this election far more than I enjoy participating in it. So as of right now, I am officially dropping out of the race. I know, it's weird to do this on the last day of voting, but eh, what can you do? Anyway, I am not going to tell you to vote for someone, but I am going to make a suggestion to those who voted for me. There are two great candidates running right now, and I would hate to see either of them lose, so if you feel like it, make it a draw. Let there be two presidents again, or if they so choose let them battle it out on Halo, who knows, could be something amusing for the youtube channel. Anyway, this is long enough of a post that's just saying that I think you should vote until BZ1 and Vitamin are tied. Point is, I'm out. Can't wait to see who the winner(s) is (are)! PS, for those wondering, my personal support does go out to Vitamin PWN.
  14. GSD has rabies! He won't stop going on and on and on about the damn bees! Make it stop! Make it stop! :"(

  15. I say use less words to make the releases more frequent, like say one part of the chapter every couple of days, or if you can, daily. Though I wouldn't recommend it. I'd rather have quality rather than quantity. :3
  16. For the record, I breathe a lot more than fire.
  17. Being sick is in no way whatsoever fun. :(

  18. I suppose if I have to choose, it would be the shotgun, regardless of the game. Why? Because it's powerful and it's limited range makes for the need of great skill in a head on head fight.
  19. Okay guys, nothing fancy just the voting. So DON'T post about how someone should vote for a certain candidate, if you do, I shall request that it is promptly removed. Thank you. :3
  20. I didn't mean to put it in the title! I'll edit this post when I get mine. Until then, prepare yourselves, the master shall soon return to reclaim his title of ultimate champion!
  21. If anyone knows where I can get some custom turtle beaches made for a relatively low price, please let me know.

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      A custom would probably cost more than a stock turtle beach.......

    2. Spyro


      Doesn't matter what turtle beach it is, just that it can be bought customized for a specific person.

    3. Akali


      i got one from i think argos or something that was a one eared headset that was £15

  22. Okay guys, the nominating period is officially over. Now is the time to attack all political opponents as you wish, aside from me because I already know I won't win, and do what you will to get votes for yourself or your client if your a manager. Voting will begin February 3rd and continue through until midnight CST on the 6th.
  23. Can't believe that I was banned so soon. I've only been here for almost two years! :(

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