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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. lol, I don't even know why I was banned!
  2. Tomorrow is the last day to nominate someone for president if you haven't already.

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      somebody nominate spyro he only needs one more nomination!

    2. Spyro


      lol, Thanks Vitamin.

  3. And are released when they are no longer staff of any kind.
  4. Actually, they didn't. He just brought it up with me that I should add that as a rule and he was very persuasive. Didn't bribe me with a fancy award or anything.
  5. So when's the next part? :3
  6. lol, what happened while I wasn't looking and why didn't I see this sooner?
  7. Ain't no rest for the wicked

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Emilewannabe


      Its ok Pbrabbit, Do you want a hug? ^.^

    3. Spyro


      Popular doesn't mean good. Otherwise Justin Beiber would be good.

    4. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      thats true and false at the same time, not everyone will think popular songs are good, but songs become popular because people think they are good.

  8. I would love to appear in this story, good guy, bad guy, or just a random member on the streets. Doesn't matter at all. Also, you're fairly well gifted in this, I hope to see more as time goes on, and more importantly, to find out who's doing it.
  9. Spyro


    Welcome back DoctorB!
  10. Nope. It's just me. Going out on a limb here and saying Halokittygirl.
  11. What is love?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      *Makes Epic music *


    3. Mr. Bashful Brute

      Mr. Bashful Brute

      I'm alive again, more alive than I have been in my whole entire life

      I can see these people's ears perk up as I begin

      To spaz with the pen

    4. Spyro


      This just went straight to hell after RSR left...

  12. Noble team would win that fight, they have superior skills and strength, it's not even really a fair fight. I know the gears are badasses, and that they're good at killing, but spartans were MADE to kill. Also, with Jun on the roof tops, they'd be stuck in the buildings, letting the rest of Noble go in and take them out. And I know, the gears have they're guns and lancers. Well, yes, and they work great, on exposed flesh. They are all but ineffective against armor, let alone energy shields. So in the end, the gears are just completely out matched to begin with. The Arbiter from Halo 2 and Halo 3 VS. The Arbiter from Halo Wars.
  13. I feel that I am somehow to blame for this threads existence...
  14. You know what anime no one ever mentions anymore is? Inuyasha. No one EVER talks about Inuyasha anymore. I wonder why...

  15. Screw it, I have the right to nominate someone also. So mine goes to Vitamin PWN!
  16. Read the note at the top of the rules. It explains how you still can't do that.
  17. So, It's 5 in the morning, and I've spent the last half an hour working on this. I'm fairly proud of myself. And I'm glad I can finally contribute to the forum again. And Azaxx, at this point, just yell at me about how you said no later. I'm too tired to listen to it. :P http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33016-united-states-of-the-forum-presidential-election-6-nomination-thread/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      we won't let you.

      forum trolls, attack!

    3. Spyro


      Yes, and I could just as easily have Dan or GSD unlock it. Dan would do it because he likes the elections, and GSD would do it for bacon.

    4. Azaxx


      A mod cannot overrule another mods decision, if I lock it, it cannot be unlocked ;)

  18. *Note: This is purely for fun and the most you get out of it is bragging rights and four months of pure glory knowing that you're slightly better than the average member. (myself and a few others excluded) Anyway, let's get down to business. The forum, surprisingly, hasn't become Soviet Russia under our current president's, Azaxx's, rule. I know, a shock, right? Anyway, his time is up and it's time for another round of voting. You senior members should know how this works by now, but I guess I should explain for the newer generation, eh? This is a fun little contest held every 4 months by yours truly. There are a few rules to it, the same old ones as before, and a new one here and there. So speaking of that, I guess I should go ahead and list them. NOTE: The rules and their meanings are interpreted by me and may be subject to change during the current election or in a future one, failure to comply with the rules will result in an automatic forfeit of the election. -Spyro The Great Big List of Election Rules!!! (Remember: Rules do not exist to bind us, they exist so that we may know our freedoms.) 1. In order to run for president, you must be nominate by two other members of the forum. A member can't nominate themselves. 2. A candidate can withdraw from and re-enter the race when ever they so choose so long as they continue to follow the rules. 3. Don't be a bad sport. If you are, candidate or not, you post will be reported. 4. A candidate has the right to a manager of their choice, who can make advertisements for their candidate to try to get votes for them. 5. Moderators cannot run for election, with the exceptions of Azaxx and Drizzy_Dan due to a technicality. 6. Every president, regardless of current status on the site, has a right to run for a second term so long as they are nominated fairly as everyone else is. 7. Literally ANYONE can run if they are nominated. Your color means nothing here. So don't be afraid to not be nominated because of your color. 8. You may only nominated ONE person. You can withdraw your nomination in favor of another candidate. 9. Remember that this is a game meant for fun, and try, please at least try to have as much fun doing this as I have running them. 10. RSR can totally change the rules. (Dear RedStarRocket, next time you do this, know that I always put a members full name minus numbers when I put it in a post. ) This one isn't really a rule, it's more of a request. Please, should you choose to drop out, change your nomination, or make a nomination at all, feel free to post it in this thread, but also if you don't mind, send a PM my way about it, as it makes it easier for me to know that I have gotten everyone. Thank you. The candidates will be listed below: Edward Kenway Yoshi1176 BeckoningZebra1 Vitamin PWN Zaguroth Zelda Silent Orbis Spyro
  19. *sigh* time to start work on the one thing I do to contribute to the forums now. I actually have to do stuff now instead of angering the ause mod. Oh well. :3

    1. Azaxx


      There will be no election.

    2. Cooliest


      No election?


    3. Spyro


      Azaxx has no actual say in it. He just doesn't want to give up his title.

  20. I don't like the "Real World" I much prefer being here, where people are nice or they get forced out, or at the very least forced to behave.

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