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Everything posted by KyoKusagani1999

  1. I'm going to have to go with the herd and say Sandtrap... Although the veichles there are unique and all well and good... tis the map itself that failed! You can't really do good with a good idea unless you have an engaging map to go with it... a boring, brown, dusty, dull sandy pit is nothing compared to the rest of the maps... and because of that dull atmosphere combined with long, open spaces of nothing... you get my least favorite map in the entire game! Giving it a facelift to actually make it fun would be awesome since there were good ideas.. they just are overshadowed by the map being BORING and impratical to use certian things that are in it!
  2. Bowser is too smart! He took the words right out of my mouth~ I don't really care for that stuff anyway.. why should I DRESS IN STYLE when I could actually be playing? It's Their decision if they want to do this or not, but if you ask me, I'm fine as long as there are no game-breakers in there... you know, like that ROCKET LAUNCHER from Halo 2!
  3. Forget all of that Team Fortress Stuff! Save that for just wasting your money on pointless fashion! I REALLY LIKE BOWSER'S MANE LIKE SWEETIE BELLE! You said new helmets, so I'm counting that since I saw it.
  4. BRUTES! JIRALHANAE! http://www.blogcdn.c...06/12/brute.jpg For the honor of our fellow packmates, we will see if we've made the cut! If we didn't, I'll be RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGEing to smash some silly humans! The Blood Tastes like fruit punch, after all... and the punch gives you lunch... It's the way of the Chieftan! You can't object the strongest Fighter!
  5. Spartan Ops....... Well... Since it's online exclusive now, and I gave up my Gold account..... Ummmmm.... I'll just be Looking at Bowser, because he looks like a pimp in that picture. I couldn't give two cruds about things I can't even play. He's the most successful Video game Character, After all! http://www.cracked.c...-character.html
  6. VRROOOM VROOM VROOM VROM VROOOOOOOOOM Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech~ Just the thought is fun already... I will have loads of moments on that Warthog
  7. Well, HOW DE DO, and welcome to 343! My Little happy place is sure to be yours in no time! I'm glad to see another devoted player... I know you will do great acomplishments in your time of the spotlight! Go fourth, and Conquer the high challenges! Nothing can stop you if you do it right! Oh, and for the record, if you have nothing to say, you'll think of something. Being thoughtless can get boring awfuly quick!
  8. HERETIC!~ You and your filthy Species have dishonored the Prophets! For that, You have no right to get your slimy little fingers on this SHINY HUNK OF A BATTERING RAM! I'm Voting For Wraiths as well.... Purely because the Honorable Jiralhanae will uphold the will of the Covenant and destroy anything that gets in the way of Salvation... CRUSH THE TRAITOR SHANGHEILI! ( Yes, I Totally did NOT vote for that just because Brutes use it.... And I'm NOT a biased Brute Muscle Lover.. *sarcasm* )
  9. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~ Not only do we get the best Single player Entry of the entire series... we also see TATARUS RETURN! The most Honorable Warrior in the entire series demands devotion to the only game he was in! This fascinates me to an unlimited extent. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to be messing around in Halo 2. I've got a Chieftan to mess around with and play with Blue Balls (Plasma Grenades)
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_p2NtBkxOM What Did I think of ODST... well..... Yeah, I think that about sums it up perfectly... Wait, You mean to tell me that does not tell you anything? That was completely biased without any reasoning at all? Well, too bad! This is Headbanging Rock And Roll Action to the MAAAAAAAAAX!
  11. Well, You know the way I play things... but I don't have a problem with the Fixed pistol. It does suck for preservation purposes, but then again, 25th is NOT the original... I would just whip out my Original Disc and take it easy (Yukkuri ****te Ne!~)
  12. Well, Reach has it's ups and downs, like every other game up there. First and foremost, being a Brute Packmate fan, I don't even have to comment on the injustice done to Jiralhanae here. They're made out to be damage sponges with no personality, not threataning at all, and worst yet, just there because! This is a HERESY to the Species, you know.... Besides my Personal Nitpicks that have to do with nothing related to gameplay, I found it to be mostly very enjoyable. The addition of Pro Slayer got rid of any balancing issues the game had right there and then. The creativity in Forge also allowed people to express themselves truly to a point... However, if we were to have mod tools, anything would be possible. That's the best way to improve it if you ask me. If you don't like something, fix it yourself!
  13. YES! Mark My Words, Humans, the return of Hilarity is here! Halo has comedy once more! REJOICE! The Humor is back in full effect! I always loved not taking Halo So seriously, so with the return of the Grunts, I'm inspired to be a wisecracker once again! Isn't humor great or what? It reminds you that you are playing a GAME, not a real war. That's why I love Unggoy so much. Thank you 343! You know how to handle your Alien Species! YIPYAP! NOOOOOOOOOO! Awwwwwwwww! What do you guys HAVE against something so cute and adorable! HE WAS A CUDDLE BUDDY GOSH DARNIT! You mess with the Dawww, you mess with the Covenant. Need I say more? They're going to swarm you for your arrogance! I hope you realise what you did when you killed someone that went To Nipple academy with someone else!
  14. You Never Realise what you have until It's gone.... and that's exactly Halo 3. Everyone abandoned it for Reach, not realising how great things really were in it. You don't have to say it's over now. LET'S MAKE IT LAST FOREVER! We'll crowd all of the servers and MAKE IT go out with an excellent note!
  15. Watching other people play is how I got better to begin with. How am I supposed to tell what's going on If There's dead air in the server? It's just as bad as Marvel VS Capcom 3. We used to be able to watch the opponents play, so we can cheer for somebody and watch the intense action going on. I don't want to sit in some lobby watching two cards touch eachother for twenty five minutes. I really hope this gets changed, and yes, if it was promised, DELIVER ON THAT PROMISE. You'll have no excuse otherwise!
  16. http://images1.wikia.../Jiralhanae.jpg Jiralhanae. Brutes. Do I REALLY have to say anything more? Please, have my favorite species make SOME apperance in Halo 4! We have to conform that they aren't floating out there making the Space Magic that Made Mass Effect 3's ending suck big time! Such Masculine creatures can't go to waste anytime soon! Other than that, I just want a good game. Nuff said. You've got standards to live up to with Halo, and so far, I can see them being taken above and beyond with 343. It's in good hands, and I want to see this franchise prosper even more than it has already.
  17. Pro Slayer. Can I stress this enough? It limits it to specific weapons so you have nobody to blame but yourself for your untimely death. It's LITERALLY the best balance I've ever seen in an FPS, so I highly reccomend that if you're unhappy, like I was. Couldn't have a better version with so many options for newbies and pros alike! (Well, OKAY, I hate how the brutes are completely mute without much of a personality... especially considering they got the spotlight in the novel that describes how well that first visit went. Juicy Watermelons! Then again, that's off-topic, and just nitpicking. As well as being biased towards awesome warriors. The rest of the game was too awesome to care about that.)
  18. Well, WELCOME TO THE BOARDS! You've just met KyoKusagani1999. Either that, or more likely, you just read that. Both ways make me happy since you cared enough to find new members of the community. I see you're into the multiplayer, no? Well, I wish you luck in perfecting your technique. Our series is well known for being one of the most balanced FPS games to this date, and I'm sure if you keep at it and train at least one hour a day, you'll be on top of the rest of the world in no time at all. Like the Covenant, except not very holy. My gamertag is CustomaryCargo4, however, I don't play online because of the personal lousy experience I had with Microsoft's service. Mostly the fanbase around it, which Is why I found 343 Forums and met everyone here. Everyone is special in thier own way. Even the trolls that hit up the chats provde us with priceless entertainment. I hope you have a wonderful time around here, and don't forget to HAVE THE FUN! (There's a difference, you know...)
  19. T to the W to the L I G H T and aint no other pony trollin down like you you're twilightlicious A Warm Twilicious Welcome back to you, Rumerboy! I hope your great journey wasn't in vain. We'll be here to cheer you up!
  20. tsticksChops What? Like you don't respect anyone that uses Chopsticks to eat? That's much more difficult than it seems, ya know. I've tried it, and It ended in embarrasing dinner table failure.
  21. Another DEFINATE example is the Jiralhanae. Bungie outright ADMITTED they rushed the design and made them completely uninteresting aside from Tatarus. The Redesign was an absolute must for the survival of the Jiralhanae species! They aren't stupid, mindless damage sponges, and the devleopers realised that. The change was DEFINATELY for the better, and I'm looking at the bright side of the Unggoy Change. = )
  22. That works for me. Reptiles are awesome. If they are willing to invent something new, there could be a very logical explanation behind it. Maybe these are new grunts for the new trilogy? I can't wait to hear more about these things! I want to know! And I'm sure I will once the game comes out. = )
  23. I'm looking foward to seeing how 343 handles a main Halo game, personally. I can accept changes as long as they don't break the game. After Halo Wars, I have high hopes for Halo 4, and We should all be encouraging 343 to do their best. I respect everything they did with the franchise so far, so why would they let us down after all this time? They proved that they cared about us with that game. = )
  24. Nintendo Sets up A system that invades your privacy right from system bootup... Microsoft Dosen't have anything to show except for Greed as usual And Sony... Well, they are Sony. I'm sure you know how many problems they've caused in the industry. Needless to say, the My Little Pony Stylus Pens were the best Part of E3. If there was Halo, oh boy, would that rock our worlds..
  25. Well, games used to be played that way back in the hayday. You stood in public, leaning on the arcade machine, showing off your skills for others to awe and gaze at. That includes my Favorite, IMAGE FIGHT! Anyway, back to the topic at hand... REACH? In Combat Evolved? WHY THE HECK. Would you NOT include those maps? The game I bought isn't HALO REACH. It's HALO COMBAT EVOLVED ANNIVERSARY. Nuff said, right?
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