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Posts posted by KyoKusagani1999

  1. Many of the species looks different. An example of this would be the Sangheili. The scales on their arms have been brought out more. You can see rough spots and the rough surface of the skin. In previous instalments you could not see this and they just looked like human skin. I find the changes a lot better and I think they will benefit Halo for the greater.


    Another DEFINATE example is the Jiralhanae. Bungie outright ADMITTED they rushed the design and made them completely uninteresting aside from Tatarus. The Redesign was an absolute must for the survival of the Jiralhanae species! They aren't stupid, mindless damage sponges, and the devleopers realised that. The change was DEFINATELY for the better, and I'm looking at the bright side of the Unggoy Change. = )


    To those of you reading this thread s266 is talking about the apparent species change of the grunts. They have been listed as Arthropods in the Halo 3 bestiary, which means they have a chitinous exoskeleton. This was apparent in previous Halo titles, however in Halo 4 the grunts look reptilian rather than arthropodic. S/he isn't talking about the armor configuration or the lack of a mouth piece. S/he is talking about the apparent change from arthropod to reptile.


    That works for me. Reptiles are awesome. If they are willing to invent something new, there could be a very logical explanation behind it. Maybe these are new grunts for the new trilogy? I can't wait to hear more about these things! I want to know! And I'm sure I will once the game comes out. = )

  3. I'm looking foward to seeing how 343 handles a main Halo game, personally. I can accept changes as long as they don't break the game. After Halo Wars, I have high hopes for Halo 4, and We should all be encouraging 343 to do their best. I respect everything they did with the franchise so far, so why would they let us down after all this time? They proved that they cared about us with that game. = )

    • Like 1
  4. Nintendo Sets up A system that invades your privacy right from system bootup...


    Microsoft Dosen't have anything to show except for Greed as usual


    And Sony... Well, they are Sony. I'm sure you know how many problems they've caused in the industry.



    Needless to say, the My Little Pony Stylus Pens were the best Part of E3.

    If there was Halo, oh boy, would that rock our worlds..

  5. Yes.


    Games don't feel right anymore just having a single player mode.


    Well, games used to be played that way back in the hayday. You stood in public, leaning on the arcade machine, showing off your skills for others to awe and gaze at. That includes my Favorite, IMAGE FIGHT!


    Anyway, back to the topic at hand... REACH? In Combat Evolved? WHY THE HECK. Would you NOT include those maps? The game I bought isn't HALO REACH. It's HALO COMBAT EVOLVED ANNIVERSARY. Nuff said, right?

  6. Well, The Thing that bugged me the most was the fact that they didn't speak English. Anytime they open thier mouth, something hillarious comes out of it. If we don't understand what they are saying, how can we get the joke? That annoyed the heck out of me knowing that comic relief was gone. It made Legendary Much more frustrating without thier sarcastic remarks. I don't mind the art change at all, but at least thier voice. That's a stable that should always be there.

    • Like 1
  7. Well, welcome to the boards! I'm sure you are going to have a fantastic time here in the 343 Community alongside all of your fellow players. And good luck with your little Princess. I'm sure she will turn out dandy if you're responsible enough. = D

  8. I'm perfectly fine with new weapons as long as it dosen't COMPLETELY BREAK THE FREAKING GAME like Halo 2's Automatic Rocket Launcher.

    I swear, if there exists a weapon like that in any first person shooter EVER again, such as Call Of Duty, I'll refuse to play your multiplayer, plain and simple. I doubt 343 will make a mistake like Bungie did way back when. = )

  9. Halo Wars. Did that one fly completely by your heads? That was made by 343. And it turned out even better than the actual trilogy did. It's the most complete Halo experience with juicy details to satisfy any fan. The Multiplayer is also the most balanced I've seen out of the entire series, and that's saying something seeing how the whole franchise is known for its balance. I have no regrets supporting them, and I hope they'll continue to churn out the gold! Cha-Ching!

  10. And the award for most fun Halo level goes to....




    This is the moment in the series where Bungie REALLY stepped up their game and did something completely unexpected. You should have heard my first reaction.... "WHAT? I GET TO PLAY AS THE COVENANT? I GET TO BE THE CREATURE THAT I'VE HAD SO MUCH TROUBLE WITH IN THE FIRST GAME?"

    Oh, sweet Prophets... it was a dream come true. I got to play as the Arbiter. That feeling of strength you have when you are looking at it from the other side is undeniable, to say the least. Carrying out a mission to destroy a Heretic, you get onboard a ship, chase the bugger around, Get into an intense ariel dogfight, BLOW UP THE SUSPENDERS ON THE SHIP, go into oribtal freefall, deal with the parasitic flood, and have a mindgame bossfight, then escape like a complete Bada** at the last second, restoring honor to your species after the humiliation that was the Mark of Shame. All in a day's work for the Covenant.


    Being on the offensive line defines what A Video game should be. BLOWING EVERYTHING UP. And that fits right in the Holy Religion's job description, weather it be Heretics or Demons.


    Not to mention, the Arbiter makes for a much more interesting protaginist than Chief ever will by a long shot. He has a long and complex backstory originating from seemingly simple gameplay. You are feeling as he is feeling. When you find out you've been betrayed by the Covenant and it was all false, you really feel as though you are devastated by the truth. You can see the incredible depth of this 3-Dimensional character as opposed to Master Chief. Sorry fanboys, but having to imagine yourself as the guy in the suit is NO SUBS***UE for this kind of development.


    This is what makes THE ARBITER my favorite level in the whole series. There's nothing quite like that feeling, even to this very day. I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but I'm proud of the fact that I find the Arbiter Levels NINE THOUSAND times more fun than Chief. And these are the reasons why.

  11. Oh, Tell me about it. E3 was AWFUL this year. Don't even get me started on Nintendo. Oh god, having pop-Ups from friends distract you while you're focusing on the game... Monitoring all of your content right when you boot the system up for the first time.. Fake difficulty created by having to peek at another screen in real-time... yup.... Real Ace Marketing there, Nintendo... It's like Facebook all over again. No privacy whatsoever when I just want to be alone in my room having some me-time playing my favorite arcade games. On the other hand...



    (insert more memes here)

  12. Hello there, my name i Stefano, but just call me SternuS, i'm italian (so don't go crazy if i make some grammar mistakes ;) ) .Next month i'll be seventeen, i started playing Halo Combat Evolved at the age of six, and i fell in love with it. I'm a big fan, i'm waiting for Primordium, and i hope to have some fun with you guys, and... well that's it!

    Oh, is there any topic about Red vs Blue? I love that Machinima!


    Welcome to the boards, Stefano! I'm sure you're going to have a wonderful time here at 343 Industries. We have a heartwearming community that's sure to give you lots of Heart, Blood, Sweat and Tears for the franchise that bounds us all together under this forum. You have THE Fun now, ya hear me? (There's a difference you know...)

    • Like 1
  13. Covenant Ranch...this is where they train brutes.


    This heritic is not to talk about our questionable training facilities EVER again. We'll have you know we set that up as a diversion so Humans would think it was. When they least expect it, we'll show them that gravity has its way too, it's not just a tool for feet to be stomping on. Now that We have disclosed the Prophet's plans to you, I'm afraid I'm going to have to lead you to salvation along with my fellow pack mates to assist with that. Have a nice day, prey!

  14. When you think about how Bungie handled the Halo universe in every Halo game except for Halo 2, what do you think was going on behind the scenes? We see Chief and Arby's side of the story, however, thinking to the Novels, Where's the rest of the species I've grown to love alongside the rest of the Covenant? Dadab's story was inspirational, to say the least, so I would think it to be very interesting to see the other side of this Universe. The darker, more seceritive Covenant has many mysteries yet to be told. Drones, as potrayed in-game, are exactly that, they don't do much. However, if we were to see the world from thier eyes, what would we see? With the slave state they are in, we get to see a side of Halo that isn't touched upon much, and as such, it really makes you question weather you really are doing the right thing or not by killing a species that was tortured, conquered, and forced into doing it for a Fake Religion....


    This gameplay would take the concept from Halo Reach, the jetpack, and expand it tenfold, making it feel as though you TRULY are an ariel predator ready to strike at anything and anyone unsuspecting. Teamwork of colony members would be of the utmost essence in efficiancy, and with that being said, it would create a soley unique experience that is one of a kind for everyone alike...


    I knnow I'm in the vocal minority when it comes to Liking Covenant species, but deep down the rough exterior of these "Drones," I believe there's a rich and diverse history to be found of a species that had much to think for after the final expulsion in Halo 3... Where are they now? We want answers, and the thought provoking storytelling will only prove to convert people such as myself to this side that dosen't like Master Chief very much after seeing this mostly undiscovered Diversity.

  15. Oh, Why we love you so much, skulls....


    "No Inappropriate Touching!"


    "We Will Tear You To Bloody Ribbons!"


    "You Killed Yapflip! I mean YapYip"


    "Is there Something in my teeth?"


    "Huddle For Warmth!"


    Jiralhanae make for great comedians, don't you think they should perform their Pack Trademark stand-up comedy show starring FlapYip the fast talker?

  16. You see, people, this is why I love Halo Custom Edition. Being able to act like a devloper and modifying any part of the game's core can fine tune it to anyone's preference. If we were to have those mod Tools instead of Forge, then everyone would be happy with being able to change everything..


    On the other side, people won't be willing to learn something like that, and since I don't have Reach, I'm not really sure how to answer this.. I gave my two cents on the idea, anyway....

    • Like 1
  17. Of course, Halo Wars, being the spinoff game it is, had a lot more personality and depth put into it than the Original Trilogy. The fact that it isn't a first person shooter AND dosen't star Master Chief means that the people I've played with online are much more mature about a good match than most people I've met on XBLA Halo 3. Featuring Covenant species such as the Jiralhanae (Oh, COME ON. Admit it. You Like Apes that smash things. I know I do. I'm completely biased towards Brutes, thank you very much...) makes it a much more divine experience than your traditional Halo game. Seeing both sides of the story fleshes out the story tenfold times more than only seeing it from one person's point of view, and that made history in my book. An expansion of the idea bringing lush florization into the universe would add another level of depth to an already deep and desirable lore of a fictional story in the future. I deerly hope that 343 won't cater to the general public and what they want just because it's "HIP," we have Call of Duty for that, and I'm NEVER touching it because of how broken that is... My point is... Halo has been breaking the Mainstream ever since it first came out in the Early 2000's, and I want to see it flourish in a manner that continues to grow upon we the people that grew up with it...


    In other words... Halo Wars 2? HECK YEAH.

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  18. Well, there was really one one easter Egg I cared about.. I betcha you know it has to do with somebody wanting food nipples and being thirsty. Campaign scoring wasn't invented yet, so I had no reason to go out and find all of these secrets. It's quite thrilling having a campaign without much replay value after you finish it on Legendary, is it not? Then again, the storyline, along with the universe Combat Evolved jumpstarted, we can excuse that flaw for the Success it invented for Bungie and 343 to continue.

  19. Well said, Twin. I'm sure you all know my age; I am only 12. And I, for one hate it when people automatically assume that just because of age, they are always inferior in every way. I can prove not so, and I have multiple times before. A good percentage of the time, one my age will easily prove themselves right against somebody double their age. Like I said, I have done it before. I ask of anybody with that state of mind, to kindly reconsider their opinions.


    Wish Granted. I'll never use that term ever again. And You've got a Pinkie Promise on that one. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to torture myself with Zero 2 S-Rank run as punishiment for that.

  20. Please don't assume that kids or yonger players are low in thought process or intelligence. Are you implying my son and daughter are inferior in some way? Do you realize how insensative that sounds. Many of our members here are of a younger age, and most of which whom would probably feel insulted. I am asking you kindly, this once, to please respect other members here regardless of age, gender and so on.


    You, good sir, Get one edit for that. Valid point. Sorry about that, I've just had REALLY bad experiences when I used to have my Gold Subscription. I went online to play against people willing to have a evenly balanced match, and then I get people that swear me off every 2 seconds. It wasn't fun, and I wasn't trying to be rude. I'm sure your Son / Daughters are awesome because you taught them to have common sense, unlike some of the people I met online... T.T

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