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Posts posted by KyoKusagani1999

  1. names vicki.


    and i love video games


    BIIIIIGGG WAAARRRM welcome to Vicki, the video game player, just like the rest of us around here! We sincerely hope you enjoy your time around here, and I wish for the best from our humble little community. You're not Icky, That's VICKI!

  2. Should they re-master another one of the best stories of all time or leave it alone untouched again it was one of the first game with xbox live.

    leave it or change it? :thumbsup:



    Oh, BUCK YEAH. I can Volunteer for fixing EVERYTHING the weakest in the series did wrong. ESPECIALLY you, Mr. ROCKET LAUNCHER. I've got my eyes on busting up that tool that's been toked up for everyone knows how long. Alongside that, why not resurrect some of the awesome ideas the original design ideas had? I would have LOVED to go inside a Covenant mother ship to counterattack the assault, that Covenant Bomb was LAZY AND RUSHED. Finally, TATAURUS! RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE AND SCHOOL THOSE IMMATURE LIVE SUBSCRIBERS! Just seeing my glorious would-be leader in HD would be nice, but then again, those other touches wouldn't hurt. Halo stands for EFFORT. Not CASH IN (excluding Halo 3 ODST, that game is Halo 3 Overpriced DLC)

  3. If you are a true hardcore, diehard, death to the grunts halo fan,


    NAOOOOOOOOOO. We can't have that. We need our Helium-addicts to provide humor for the rest of the community to SMILE SMILE SMILE at. In all seriousness though, You've got very wise words of wisdom. Halo Already tried the Call Of Duty approach with Reach's Elites, and how well did that turn out? Exactly, nobody used them. With Halo 4 along the way, we can all hope for the best when it comes to balanced gameplay that anyone can get into, but difficult to Master. And yes, being a fan since Combat Evolved, I can certainly say the series has come a long way since then. We've gone through Overpowered pistols (Halo 1) to deliberate bad balance choices, CURSE YOU ROCKETS, (Halo 2) to the most balanced mainstream halo game that we know today. (Halo 3.) I've got high hopes for 343, ESPECIALLY since they created Halo Wars, the most creative and competitive game of the series requiring though processes that don't stoop down to Average sore losers that whine every time you get one frag. All I can say is... HIGH HOPES FOR HALO 4, AND HONOR TO ALL FELLOW PACK MATES THAT AGREE WITH ME.

  4. You Traitors always seek to amuse us, no? OF COURSE we're going to barge into that home of yours, devour your "thingy", huddle for warmth, pee on the remains, and take your place. Us Jiralhanae / Brutes always looked better like that anyway.

  5. I cannot believe the hate on Dinosaurs. How could you. Oh yeah? Humans are hideous! What is up with hair? Clothes? Shoes? 5 fingers? You guys are jerks. This forum is predigest against us. I would love to see one person say something nice about Dinosaurs. This is why we hate humans. Take over our world, our race, and then spit in our faces. I dislike Humans now. Thank you very much.


    Species we've not yet discovered, for your devotion to one of our holy causes, we invite you to form a bond with our leaders, the Prophets. Together, we'll rid the universe of the filth comprised of the devil's wicked creations. For your services to the Covenant, we're offering harmony between all of our species under one cause, The Great Journey. Together, we'll walk this path and cleanse Earth of these creatures we've been struggling against for countless years... I hereby say this for everyone involved, The Prophets, The Jiralhanae, and the Unggoy alike will all partake in this revolution. This is where our offer stands...

  6. Well, with Bethesda's current financial status and failed attempts at profits, I sure hope they aren't turning into Blizzard Entertainment. They sure fell flat when they started working on World of Warcraft, but then agian, we'll see if we'll get Armor for our Horses or not, given how they tried to trademark dragon shouts. This is just an announcement, so I won't say anything until I see some footage comming out sometime in the not-so-distant future.

  7. This all depends on the execution of the idea. If the outsiders can join problem-free, and if there aren't any starting games avaible, I don't see why this could be a bad idea. But then again, ROBLOX tired this idea and failed miserably with it, creating lag every time someone joined that lasted for about 10 seconds. That's not going to cut it for HALO standards.

  8. So, you may notice, my lack of cyan name.

    I feel I've been betrayed by the community and the people I know. This may come as a shock to you, but I'm leaving now, for good. I can't take the fact that I have been cut down after everything I've done for this community.

    YouTube is no longer my thing, and these forums are no longer my thing.

    I'm no longer making the funtage, or handling requests, or doing anything to do with the forums.

    You probably wont understand, but I held my position with respect and to have it cut down from me, well I can't really put it into words.

    Thanks to the few that made these forums a better place.



    Luke, I haven't been here long, but I can feel for the pain of the people that make our community look bad. All of the people on XBOX Live sure don't help either, and the fact that there's a system that can be abused ISN'T Cool by any stretch of the imagination. I'll be missing you Luke, It's only been a few days, but the time I spent here with you will always be remembered. Good luck with the rest of your life, and above all, We'll miss you! Thanks again for the shoutout to the good members of this community.

    • Like 2
  9. In other words, all games have problems so that's a far cry from your diatribe about H2, CE has problems just as H2 has. I don't know what you mean by we, if you mean you then it's just another opinion. If you mean all of us, you have no business talking for us.


    Servers being shut down? Did I say anything about servers? Also, don't say what we need, say only what you need or want, after all, it's only your opinion.


    Those right there are words of wisdom. It's not worth arguing about, it's an opinion / dislike. And it's true. Every game has flaws. Without further Ado, let everyone else voice thier opinions! The past is worth learning from to perfect the upcomming Halo 4!

  10. I just thought of an idea for a game. I don't have a name for it yet, but it goes well with the seven other games I am currently writing and working on with the software called "Unity". My latest idea is to set players into the boots of a bomb squad. Like in the movie "The Hurt Locker". I will post more when I have the time and have finished the first chapter within the story. Also I might post my 6 other stories on different forums. Just let me know if you like the idea or not. Thank you.


    Hmmmmm... Bomb squadding should have realistic decoding so it's not a complete luckfest. As good as an idea is, we'll never see if it's good or not if it's not excecuted. Good luck, I'm sure you've got high hopes for the future, and I'll give you the best of luck! :)

  11. Alright, we can all be warthog stuntmen all over again! This will clearly be messiah for anyone making Machinima, not to mention, Ghosts. They were a blast to use in Halo 3's campaign (can complain all day about thier balance in multiplayer) so why not make 4's campaign EVEN MORE OF A BLAST? Just make sure we don't have too many blasts. Then it'll turn into a movie directed by Micheal Bay, explosion abuser 101.

  12. Hmm.. I would have loved to see the inside of that Covenant ship that was rejected as a level concept. Nice lovely interior, squishy walls to hug, comfy looking celings, Artistic layouts... Almost as if it's like a game project. These guys are geniuses for bringing us those very things we love about games the way they should be. They pour thier soul into it for the enjoyment of everyone else, and they deserve medals for that. However, I'm doubting the person that came up with that Rocket Launcher should get one... T.T

  13. Everyone has such good experiences with Rank boosting... Yes, it is satisfying seeing that thing get more honorary, but then again, when you've got a special effection towards specific species, it's kinda regrettable in that sorta way. You're looking at a huge Brute / Grunt fan here, so... Yeah. I'll be excited to get that rank. :)

  14. For those who read the whole thing, you get 10 gold stars.


    Okay, I DEMAND MY BONUS STARS THIS INSTANT. Especially from you, Demon-lover. In all seriousness, Welcome aboard! We've a roboust community that likes to blabber on about the things we love to do, and we couldn't be happied. I'm a bit of a yip-yapper myself, so I'm preditcing some interesting conversations between the two of us, no? You might have probably guessed this by now, I'm a Covenant Religion Worshipper devoted to those willing to go extraordinary lengths for the Great Journey. I hail to those that are going to be our future messiahs, the Brute Species, and the courtroom jesters that make it all the more hillarious, Unggoy / Grunts. Bow down to your superiors, they have humor (Grunts), and the MANLIEST body builds. (Brutes)

  15. Lol, another whiner about the RL but let's not forget about the CE pistol. Wail and moan all you want, the longevity and the amount of people who love H2 speaks for itself. H2 MP was fun for millions while several thousand hated it. CE, bounce bounce then pistol head shot, oh what fun that was, no strategy whatsoever, no team play.


    Quite frankly, I complained about the Pistol in the combat Evolved Anniversary Topic! Looking at Combat Evolved, correct me if I'm wrong, but people realised that it did more damage than every other weapon because of its values. That is a programming oversight, so I can excuse than more than deliberate Balance Breaks. Either Way, They shouldn't be there in either Halo game to begin with. Halo's one of the most Balanced FPS games we've had in the longest time, and we wouldn't want that to go to waste, now would we?O


    Oh, and as for the servers being shut down? I don't think that requires much of an explanation, IMO. We need to say that custom hosting can go a long way even after the servers died...

  16. Frank clarifies a little on the load outs:


    "Will it take 8 to unlock the BR?"



    Each map/mode will load with a default, appropriate loadout. An example:

    BIG MAP WITH LONG SIGHTLINES (imagine Blood Gulch)





    Frag Grenades

    Map appropriate Armor Abilities


    Now it may take awhile to end up with precisely the combo you want, but the maps and modes are all carefully pared with VERY useful default loadouts so you don't end up on a giant map with nothing but an AR and a sadface" ~ Frank


    Sorry if this was already posted. I just found this not all that long ago.


    I'm A very nerdy player, and I APPROVE this message. It means we'll have a better campaign than anything Obama could do. :)

  17. This, folks, is why DLC is such a problem without any patches for those that don't have the content. Spread equality between the gamers and allow people that don't have the pack be able to play in someone else's server for a trial experience. Hey, other games do it, and if Halo does it, that's all the more merrier for happy-go-lucky demons shooting each other. We'll be busy digging up the ark in the meanwhile...

  18. As we all know, those DEMONS are quite the masters of Deceit. They're spreading their propaganda through covert operations designed to alienate anything that doesn't involve them, or the Reclaimer's cause. Surely, we'll be able to use this training program for our religious soldiers. The benefit the Covenant will acquire from such unholy abominations will lead us closer to the Great Journey, one mission at a time.


    In other words, I'm all for it. I'd also like it to save best scores / times so you can have bragging rights in the near future.

    • Like 2
  19. Well, When you come back, We'll be waiting for you... With our fake Plasma Rifles, our interesting posts, our Nerdy instincts, Sith Lord Imitations... You know, All of the love we've given everyone for everlasting peace. We hope you come back well, and when you do, it'll be SUPERCALIFRAGILICIOUS-EXPIANIOCIOUS. Even though the sound of it is REALLY QUITE ATROCIOUS.

  20. My dislikes:


    And finally...did i mention i hated tarturus?



    You, sir, are a heretic for opposing the wisdom of our Prophets. By going against our decision to empower the superior race, you've commuted the crime of treason. The Jiralhanae aren't to be messed with, and their awesome packs will be hunting your flesh for dinner.


    In all seriousness, do I even have to comment about how ridiculous Halo 2's multiplayer was completely unbalanced compared to the first game? The homing rocket launcher COMPLETELY kills any sense of skill one might have gained from playing around with everything else in the game. It's almost as if it was an "INSTANT WIN" weapon, and that's NEVER good in ANY one of these games. Reasons like these along with a rushed Campaign that left all of our hands scratching our heads back when it first came out easliy make Halo 2 the worst in the series, in my humble opinion.

  21. Halo 2 as an Arcade Game? I know everyone's talking about XBOX Live arcade, but I'll have to look into the possibility of what Halo might have looked like if it was Created by Toaplan in the 90's... Halo Zero was an impressive 2D piece of art, And I'm sure it'll work out with the wide assortments of assets to the universe. The only thing we're missing is a Marquee, and the "WINNERS DON'T USE DRUGS" screen only visible in the US version.

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