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Posts posted by KyoKusagani1999

  1. I've posted about this on another similar topic, but this isn't rocket science. Why have forge when you can have full-fledged customization tools? The people porting the games to PC graced us with the best halo release as of this post ( 4 / 26 / 12 ) HALO CUSTOM EDITION. You could change almost anything if you really wanted to. Models? Maps? Layouts? Code? It's all there. It's everyone's dream come true, and I'm sure people will be jumping on the bandwagon with thier unlimited creativity. :)

  2. I wish there was a playlist in firefight where you could fight both covanent and flood. A three-way battle between us, the covanent, and the flood would be epic. Having some of the covanent get turned into flood while fighting. Who here agrees with me? What are your opinions on what I think?

    Too bad this game was already released. Good idea though. What if we also threw in Infection elements as well? I'd love to see how messed up the controls are if you're infected by the Flood. :P
    • Like 1
  3. Any one have any ideas for the game? I like to see what people can come up with. I myself like to play around with ideas. If you have anything at all feel free to submit.


    Thanks, Bag o Magiic360

    Well, This is the wrong place for this. A friendly reminder for next time, put that in the Halo 4 Topic. That's discussion for Halo 4. Anyway, welcome to the boards! I'm sure you learned something new already. :)
  4. Now that 343 has taken over the Halo franchise will halo 4 FEEL like a Halo game ? I hope so because Halo 3 was by far the best halo game I've. Ever played I hope that halo 4 will carry on the epicness

    Why would it be called Halo if it wasn't a Halo game? Surely, we can all hope for the best when it comes to the thing that's been getting us together since 2001. Also, I'd love to welcome you with a Singing Telegram, but Hasbro has taken down the reference for a copyright complaint. So Sad.
  5. A good Game. That's all we really need. I don't ask for much. But if you insist, Please make a special edition of the game that will be limited print. Version 1.5 that focuses on the pros more than anything else. Having a Legendary Version of a Legendary game is quite the luster, especially when Companies like CAVE produce exclusive versions for events, and such. (DoDonPachi Campaign Version)

  6. THE UNIVERSE: This is the most important part of what the franchise is to me. To see it expand far beyond what a normal project would have gone through, the lore of the stories yet to be told is quite powerful with Messages against Political Blackmail, The Uneasiness of war breaking out between species, The feeling of shock after unveiling truth behind suspicions, all of the emotion that the developers had were poured into a project of love, and this is how the Forerunners were born. Leaving it at that note, I shouldn't be saying anything because I don't want to spoil anything. It's something best experienced yourself, and It's a one-of-a kind ride that far exceeds many sci-fi we have today...


    THE GAMEPLAY: Although The Market is flooded with FPS'es today, Halo was original back in the day. Combat Evolved introduced many of the stables we have in countless amount of generic games today, so I can safely say That considerable effort went into this as well. As for multiplayer, it's along with many other games I've played, It's fun until someone finds an issue and exploits it. That ruined the Marvel VS Capcom franchise hands-down, and we sure as heck aren't going to stand for anything broken like that in ANY Halo game, weather it be the pistol in Halo 1, The Homing Rockets in Halo 2, or Elites Being Nerfed in Halo Reach, We can be assured that each release will push the standards of balanced gameplay further and further until we have the best of all worlds...


    THE UNGGOY: This one was god-given obvious for someone like me. They are there to prove everything isn't so "srs face" and laughter can brighten up anyone's day in times of dark. These loveable creatures, along with Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony helped me learn every game session isn't the most serious thing in the world, and I owe it all to "The Big Grunty Thirst."

  7. *GASP* A Topic about the Outer Gods of the mortal Realm? AAAAAAAAAAAAA *yaaaaay* Seriously, That video's always going to be timeless in my book. I'm seriously going to take my Copy of Halo 4 and present it on my Deathbead complete with all my Action figures, Novels, and other tidbits of useful otaku objects and spread them all around my lifeless body, proclaiming I'm Gonna see YipYap on the Great Journey. Anything else releated to Unggoy / Grunts, and I'll have a field day of shouting crys of love.

  8. Well, what kinda ranking system are we talking about here? Every player should have the same abilities REGARDLESS of credits or time playing. If one person has better abilities just because he has played longer, that's not fair to anyone at all, and It'll make it just as Cruddy as Call of Duty's system where an online starter will get lousy stuff, allowing him to get killed while another can win practically every time. This is 343's call on how they make it...

  9. I don't know why people are so concerned about their FABULOUS good looks... All it does is change your apperance. It's really not necessary, but its a nice personalization touch. If you really want true customization, provide modding tools like Halo Custom Edition and Halo 2 Vista. That will really hit home with everyone looking for a balanced game, and ending up not getting it (We Hope it's balanced right out of the box.) It's truly everyone's dream come true.

  10. welcome to the forum hope you have a good time

    I'm already having a good time. Thank you very kindly, good sir!


    Hello and welcome to the forums! I am Derp. King of all the derps. Come derp with me sometime. Enjoy your stay on the forums!

    Do you want some hooves with that Derp? We could use a good mailman here and there...


    Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Welcome to the community. ^_^

    That's a lot of O's. You're making me hungry for CheeriO's. :)
  11. Whatsup my fellow halo fans. This is 2whammy117. I can't wait for Halo 4 probably just as well as most of you. Hope to duscuss and learn more about the new Halo.

    We have a topic on Isle 4 dedicated to the occult, SIR! You're to report to duty on being a hyped fanboy, SIR! Oh, and welcome to the boards, I'm sure we'll all take you for a ride. (see what I did there?) Just promise me one thing... Please Don't Kill YipYap as tempting as it is. We need him for his adorable factor.
  12. hi there help welcome me please :) I'm a massive halo fan and I've played them all and I know the whole story and I'm hoping I could get more people who love it as much as me to help me feel welcome and maybe find some more xbox live friends I'm sending this message "out with a bang" :)

    Unfortunately, I don't play on the standard online servers thanks to the inmature fanbase surrounding the occult. However, what I can say is... HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY, welcome welcome new cool guy, this is your singing tele-gram, we hope you have a party with all the Halo-Drones. You enjoy yourself now, and if you truly know the entire story, you're also enlightened to know that Unggoy are the single greatest species in existence. :)
  13. I'm new here and I'm a big Halo fan, its nice to meet you and I can't wait for Halo 4 btw :D

    Hot Diggity Dog and slam me a big one, come on' down and have a slamdown. Surely you're going to have the fun, no? (there IS a difference.)
  14. Twin Speaks the truth about our community. These are also the reasons why I stopped playing online shortly after the release of Halo 3. With all of the simple-minded people out there, I've been sweared off countless times when I tried to have a decent match with someone from around the world. *Sigh* This is why we all have to do our part to ensure the future of halo is secured with the people that made it possible in the first place. We the gamers, scrubs, and grunts alike will ensure we continue voicing the truths about our community and the sportsmanship factors involved. When things look brighter for our beloved franchise, we'll jump onto the sunshine. We'll show people that we have respect for something that they take for granted. :)

  15. Oh, Goodness Gracious YES. PC Halo Wars 2 would be a blessing from the Forerunner Gods. Not only will I have a more efficiant contorol scheme compareable to Starcraft, I'll be able to experience the joy of playing as Grunts with BIG BLUE BALLS once more! Onwards to a future possiblity! The video game market needs these fresh ideas to break the trend of First Person Shooters!

  16. They do look like a dinosaur in a way, but not the grunts.

    Huh? Since when did anyone bring Unggoy in the equasion? To put it simply, OF COURSE NOT. If Grunts looked like Dinosaurs, they wouldn't be cute and adorable, no? Those hulks don't resemble anything I've seen in Halo, and I have a friend in the existing Covenant Species, so we're probably going to keep it that way, da-ze~
  17. Well, If they want to release a beta, let them do it. If they don't, that's entirely fine with me. Of course, It would be nice since we can see if there are any broken features / weapons. Thereby, they can be fixed before the game comes out. Then again, there isn't much development time left. That was a really good point, so we'll see if they do it or not.

  18. Do I need to say anything other than "Pistol?" Because it's one of the reasons why they didn't do it. Look at how broken the damage of that thing was in Combat Evolved, and compare it to reality. Do you honestly think a PISTOL will do more damage than a LASER? I didn't think so. This is why they couldn't have that weapon along with others for various balancing reasons.

  19. Of Course! It makes the story more personal as to see you AS the main character of your story. Mass Effect Did it, why not Halo? Makes perfect sense if you ask me. Then again, I'm probably the only one that wants a Grunt / Unggoy body, and that's just a vain hope. I highly doubt they'll do that.

  20. Elite Ops would be pretty interesting. Maybe when the game comes out there will be future Downloadable Content that allows you to play as Brutes or whatever Covenant Enemy you want to play as.

    I'm still in the vein hope that we'll see Unggoy Difficulty, an absolute joke of a mode where you're playing as THE GODLIEST CHARACTERS IN THE HALO UNIVERSE... and you blow up with one touch from anything remotely dangerous. I don't care about what 343 puts in the game as long as it's good, but there's that part of me with vein hope that we'll see some grunty love.
  21. Hmmm... Elites not being in Muitiplayer.. I can see why this is pratical. When Bungie tried diffrent classes with stat diffrences, it tipped the balance of the spectrum towards the Spartans, rendering WORT WORT WORT not quite as awesome as it should have been. Therefore, with everyone being the same player, it's balanced and therefore not unfair to say it probably was a good idea. For Campaign, however, we need a joke difficulty where you play as an Unggoy and you die in one hit from anything. IT HAS TO BE DONE. (In all seriousness though, multiple pllayers for campaign is probably a good idea, it'll spice up the storyline quite a bit.)

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