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Shiv Kite

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    ShivKite 00

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Hunter (4/19)



  1. There is a mission in the campaign called Requiem. In addition to that it is very unfitting considering its the start of a new trilogy. Childish idea.
  2. Will you still lose EXP if you quit? If not, noobs will just rage quit, thus ruining the whole Halo essence of staying in the game until the end
  3. Wait...This has been confirmed? What a horrible idea...
  4. Shiv Kite

    Good News!

    Dude, no one is judging you. Relax and be happy Halo 4 is going to have lots of people playing...
  5. Cool! I'm really liking the design of weapons in Halo 4. From what I've seen the BR looks amazing.
  6. Shiv Kite

    Good News!

    I think they stopped comments now completely loooool
  7. Skill needs to be rewarded. That was my problem with Reach. When I play Halo 3, I ALWAYS check the highest skill of everyone in the game just to get a lil taste of what I'm up against.
  8. Cannot remember where I read it, but someone who played the game at the NYC event said that there was a full customisable scheme. Not just bumper jumper, southpaw etc etc but a complete button costumisation. This is really important because I was so used to bumper jumper on halo 3 it was nearly impossible for me to get used to the jetpack in reach....
  9. Shiv Kite

    Good News!

    It has roughly 50/50 likes to dislikes on IGNs youtube channel lololololololol
  10. Shiv Kite

    Good News!

    It doesn't take a genius to realize that a lot of CoD players are enraged at the sight of this game, therefore more people will be playing Halo 4. I am certain that the ratio of likes to dislikes on the Blops 2 trailer is astonishingly bad and they even started regulating the comments so that no 'hater' comments get through. Halo 4 will be better. k? k.
  11. Shiv Kite

    Good News!

    The graphics on the old man look unbelievably poor and already there is a mountain of negative comments lololol. A populated Halo, is a happy Halo.
  12. Shiv Kite

    Good News!

    Upon witnessing the abomination that is the Black Ops 2 trailer, it is safe to say that Halo 4 is going to be heavily populated for a long time. Thank you Treyarch!
  13. I agree. Double EXP in halo 3 should return
  14. I also noticed the 49 in the bottom left. It could easily just be a clan tag or something. E3 2012 should probably have all the info we want...
  15. Don't bother, I couldn't care less about credit on forums. All I hope for is that 343 employees take a good look at what people are discussing in these forums.
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