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Nightshade 1105

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  1. To add to my first post: Get rid of the credit system and weapon unlock system. Bring back Halo 2's ranking system. Remove the instant respawn and join in progress systems that are being implemented in Halo 4. Even if it is just in a few playlists. THIS will shatter the rest of Halo. Above all, bring back Martin O' Donnell as the composer for Halo 4's music and soundtracks. The man is a musical genius, and the music hecreated for Halo is what really struck home. His music was awe-inspiring and helped to create what makes Halo, Halo. I've heard the samples for Halo 4's soundtrack and it's not bad at all, it just isn't for Halo. Please 343i, I'm not trying to bash you or seem impossible to please at all, because you're all very smart talented people. But the changes you're implementing to Halo 4 aren't the kinds of changes that need to be made. Change is fine. It's needed to keep a game fresh, new and to revitalize it every once in a while. But these changes aren't for the better. Please, 343. I still Beli343, but I'm not sure if I will after Halo 4 if it stays how you have shaped it. It will really push the true fans, like myself, that have been there since the time Halo was intended to be released on the Nintendo 64. Don't ignore your first fans in order to please the newer people. Creating a game that is welcoming to new players is fine, but not at the expense of the original players.
  2. I, personally, want there to be no bloom, whatsoever. It really slows down the game and it really doesn't fit into Halo very well. The majority of Halo players really don't like bloom at all, myself included. It adds unnecessary pauses and gaps in the gameplay that really slows down the pace of the game. No sprint ability, either. It allows people to become reckless. If one runs head first into combat, then he/she is bound to get kill. It allows them to even give them the opportunity to get out of the mistake they made by simply high-tailing it out of there, instead of learning not to charge in so recklessly. Absolutely NO armor abilities at all. They break the game. Jetpack adds a new direction to the game that also really slows down the game, and gives them an advantage over other players. No jetpacks, holograms, "Forerunner" vision, or anything else of that nature. It narrows the skill gap too much and gives any given player an advantage over the other. Halo has always been about everyone starting off on an equal playing field, and the better player wins. It's that simple. Adding in these extra abilities destroys the equality that made Halo great. This goes hand-in-hand with these armor "perks". More ammo, faster shield regeneration, etc. does the same thing armor abilities do. They should be very minimal changes such as sprint for about 2 seconds longer or SLIGHTLY increase the radius on the Motion Tracker. 343i needs to stop trying to change things so damn much. Change is fine, so long as it's not so radical, even if they think the changes they've made aren't so radical. Evidently, they are. I understand they want to give Halo "its own voice", but Halo isn't their game or creation to do so with, despite them having the licensing to it. Halo has had its own voice since its inception. This game is Bungie's game and it's our game. We should have a say in what we want and don't want. If 343i really wants to create a game that stands out from the rest, that's fine, but this isn't their game to do it with. They can create a whole new franchise, story, and game. Just so long as it isn't Halo.
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