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Everything posted by Lolmeister

  1. I would also like Skirmishers to return as I enjoyed fighting them and I felt they worked greatly with enemies such as Hunters by giving support fire.
  2. Brutes, those chieftains where so difficult with the mythic skull. I still have nightmares D:
  3. I like the circuit skin. Its the only one i can get anyway since i live in the UK so at least i like it
  4. It was the most epic game footage i've seen in a long time
  5. I find it funny how most "competitive" halo players criticize the Call of Duty franchise for never changing or improving the gameplay but when 343 desides to CHANGE Halo everyone starts ranting and moaning about it. I dont even know why im even repliying to this thread, it's not like you'll listen to my anyway....
  6. I think this a great idea for the ranking system and would shut a lot of people up. Perhaps we'll find out what the real ranking is at E3
  7. Lolmeister


    No one can really say anything about kill cams because we dont know EXACTLY how they work. You never know it could be something completely different to what you "Hardcore" gamers think it is
  8. Hello my name is Lolmeister and I'm new to the forums. Can't wait for Halo 4 . Hope to see you guys in the forums sometime
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