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Smokin Shadowz

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Posts posted by Smokin Shadowz

  1. I don't like either Candidate particularly much, but after I saw the video revealing Romney's true attentions it made me not like him even more...and after the debates how he would talk about his step plans and how they would work but he would never explain any of them to the public, I like businesses and know they need to strive for everything to get better but I'm also a middle class citizen. Therefore I'm torn between them but leaning slightly toward Obama more. Romney's smug attitude doesn't win me over, especially when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

  2. Microsoft has launched a new Xbox Live Rewards scheme which entitles gamers to discounts on the Xbox Live Marketplace based on their total Gamerscore.


    If you’ve unlocked between 3,000 and 9,999 Gamerscore you will receive a special gift during your birthday month, don’t get too worked up over it though as according to Microsoft this only equates to a very small value, less than $1. However, if you have earned between 10,000 and 24,999 then you get the special gift and a one percent rebate on all your Xbox Live purchases each month, not bad ay?


    Now if you really like Achievements and you’ve managed to unlock 25,000+ Gamerscore then you’re going to get the gift and a two percent rebate on all purchases every month. These aren’t crazy figures, but ever little helps. To qualify for the offer all you have to do is sign up for the Xbox Live rewards scheme.


    The problem with offers like this is that people feel they are being punished for not playing lots of different games, however the amounts are so trivial that I doubt anyone is going to kick up a major fuss over this, and getting to 25,000 Gamerscore isn’t the hardest thing in the world. Basically this is just Microsoft giving Achievements a little extra meaning, and I’m all for that.

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