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Smokin Shadowz

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Everything posted by Smokin Shadowz

  1. Welcome to the forums xXSpongey05Xx, hope you enjoy your time here.
  2. Welcome to the forums Chuck Norris, enjoy your time here.
  3. Welcome to the forums ViperSRT3g
  4. Welcome to the forums Hunter
  5. Welcome to the forums Exeter, hope you enjoy your time here.
  6. Welcome to the forums Jacob, hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama Best School in the South.
  8. No =( Dude, you were my favorite mod! This sucks!!!!!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iacg6JxvbSw&list=PLD45F47067D6FD4FC&index=82&feature=plpp_video
  10. Why is everybody leaving and making a big deal out of it then coming back 2 weeks later? I don't understand?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDyvGG9ZIG4&feature=g-u-u Scroll down for the actual battle.
  12. 1. Spartacus 2. Sons of Anarchy 3. Big Bang Theory
  13. 1. AA-12 2. AK-47 3. M4 Carbine 4. Barrett M82 5. M1911
  14. Welcome to the forums Smut
  15. Welcome to the forums A J YUSI
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