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Smokin Shadowz

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Everything posted by Smokin Shadowz

  1. I agree with the bulkiness of the sniper rifle is a little out of hand, but it's not enough to irritate me to the extent of not playing the game. As for the sound, I actually enjoy it.
  2. And your stereotyping people automatically by assuming they think that....jsin it works both ways. This is a unnecessary thread for this site. You won't be treated any different here.
  3. I honestly don't think people here are gonna care if your a "gamer girl" or not. Your simply a gamer. And bringing notice to it just makes it look like you're striving for attention somewhat.
  4. Happy WYR be famous and rich or rich and unknown?
  5. Welcome to the forums Tyler, enjoy your time here.
  6. Congratulations ZB-85. Enjoy you being on the forums with us.
  7. I can't tell if I have all 20,000 of mine in the group or not, I took a picture of it so I believe so.
  8. Welcome to the forums Spartan T-127
  9. I would have sold it a long time ago...why keep working?
  10. I'd have to get back on to remember my favorite moments exactly, but I really enjoyed the maps on that game way more then reach. Especially on sandtrap playing CTF. Loved driving the chopper on that map.
  11. Sword WYR Live in the desert or the arctic
  12. Bummer dude, well hurry back man. Try and get those computers going!
  13. Found it on a facebook page called I am a video gamer. That's a good idea Total, let me edit the thread.
  14. This needed to be addressed, maybe this will settle people down a bit.
  15. This is a completely useless thread, but I found a pretty awesome picture so I just wanted to share it. Anybody have any just feel free to post them here. (Total Mayh3m's idea)
  16. Got a soviet tank helmet and a M60-M73 ammo box.
  17. This is a video game AND a movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOBaqEgzvBM
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