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Smokin Shadowz

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Everything posted by Smokin Shadowz

  1. Which Halo 4 limited edition armor do you like better for Halo 4?
  2. Welcome to the forums Trechyz, enjoy your time here.
  3. They are regularly unlocked? That really disappoints me. I was hoping to have something a lot of people didn't =( Do you remember where you read this at?
  4. Please tell me how a kill cam, or a starting guns alone is gonna affect main game play. Most people automatically play game types they like with the starting guns anyway? If you can't adapt to it...then why buy it or discuss it?
  5. Shield lowering at most. No death
  6. Not a big demand for Grifball maps atm considering not a lot of people play it.
  7. Welcome to the forums williamwiggles. Hope you enjoy your time here. Since you like minecraft, consider joining the play date. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/9567-directors-minecraft-playdate/page__pid__102832?do=findComment&comment=102832
  8. I thought Twinreaper was a old account to o.O
  9. Welcome Twilight Sparkle. Hope you make some friends here. Enjoy your time.
  10. No changing now....sorry bud.
  11. I would like to fight the flood in firefight, a map pack full of floods maps would be awesome.
  12. Virtual gaming would be insane....but that's when The Sims games become really amazing lol.
  13. I always end up on Hemmorhage on BTB, not complaining though. I love that map.
  14. Not gonna happen anytime soon, doubt you have to worry about it right now.
  15. You only live life once, but if you live it right, once is enough.
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