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Smokin Shadowz

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Everything posted by Smokin Shadowz

  1. Call whoever it is you ordered it from rather it be FedEx or UPS who is shipping it so they can look up the shipping # to see where it's at.
  2. CRBM has a very valid point...
  3. Welcome to the forums...enjoyed the song btw!
  4. Welcome to the forums!
  5. Forever in history as the greatest release date of 2012... May it live forever... Welcome to the forums!
  6. I'd like to help a member that isn't able to get the game...regular edition though, nothing special?
  7. Depends on where you live...City, I would go at least 2 hours in advance, small town or city 30 to 45 minutes before the release. My gamestop has giveaways and food so I always end up going about a hour or hour and a half in advance.
  8. Classification Signature Format [PNG Animated Size [Default: 600x200]* Style Dark and Gloomy Primary Colors Red, Black, and Gray IMAGE Picture of a ninja IMAGE Shadows in the background IMAGE faint light somewhere Writing Smokin Shadowz Font What you think looks best. Smokin Shadowz in lower left corner
  9. Halo 4 will pass Minecraft will be 2nd....Battlefield will be 3rd eventually and surpass that overrated COD franchise.
  10. EBay and Amazon always have users selling their codes the day after the game releases...check their
  11. Bush put us in...It went into Further debt with Obama in office.
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