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SG x AsSaSs1n

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  • Location
    Over Seas
  • Interests
    Halo, Call of duty, mass effect

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    SG x AsSaSs1n

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  1. SG x AsSaSs1n


    I love the Recon helmet. Like it has been said, it was like an icon of hardwork. It meant hours of time dedicated to the gameplay to try and get the helmet. I hope that 343i brings this back for us all.
  2. Yes some of these things have already been confirmed. my opinion is that there is going to be change to this game and we are going to have to accept it, otherwise there would be no point to a new game and everyone would still be playing Halo 3. Im just going to wait until it comes out and see what it has to offer. No matter what Im going to accept the game for however it turns out.
  3. Its not too bad. Im sure I will enjoy this game no matter what. Im not going to just drop a franchise because of its multiplayer ranking system. Thanks for the info
  4. Yes like everyone else is saying, this is shaping up to look like a very nice game to be hitting consoles. Im very excited about getting to play this game, even though it wont be for about 2 months after the release date
  5. Its good to know that your safe Gamer Team. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family.
  6. This is just one of those wait and see kind of moments. The one's that leave you wondering and anticipating the answer. Soooo exciting.
  7. Oh don't worry, I'm in no means challenging what your saying, I'm just putting my own two cents in that when change happens, so does judgement.
  8. In my opinion, if there wasn't change to a game, then why make a new game? If a new game is coming out than it should be expected to have changes, especially with a new design team on the job. These arguments arise every time a new game is leaked. People don't like where the game is going and voices their disapproval. This we must accept. Fact of the matter is, the game will hit shelves, many people will buy it, and many people will say they hate it. Its a chain of events that has been happening for a while.
  9. Thank you for all the welcome's everyone. Vitamin PWN, I will definitely keep an eye out for those posts of insight.
  10. All in all in the early stages of this development, its already sounding like an enticing game. True its still got a while before it releases, that just means it has more time to get better. Im definitely picking this up once I get back to the states. Thank you for sharing the information here.
  11. Hello everyone, My name is cody ratliff. Im 22 years old and am in the United States Army, currently deployed over seas. I have decided to joing this site to hopefully make some new friends and be able to stay updated with Halo 4 while I am away. Im very easy to get a long with, and highly laid back. Feel free to message or friend request me at any time, Im always looking for new friends. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and Im looking forward to meeting a lot of you in the forums. Cody
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